According to Dan Pink, author of the number 1 New York Times bestseller Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, people are not motivated in the ways we expect. He argues that Organizations historically have incentivized employees the wrong way by offering rewards (money) and creating a culture of fear and punishment for underachieving. When work requires any cognitive skill or knowledge, then these methods do not work.
Through his research, he shows there are three things that motivate people beyond basic task completion:
- Autonomy: The desire to be self-directed and the freedom to take ownership
- Mastery: The desire to get better at something
- Purpose: The desire to do something that has meaning or is important to you

Figure 4.2: Autonomy, mastery, and purpose
Creating an open culture in your organization should embody these principles. Open source software development is built on the pillars of autonomy, mastery...