Feature Servers and Map Servers on AWS
In the last chapter, we learned about working with OpenStreetMap (OSM) with Amazon Location Service. In this chapter, we will cover Feature servers, which are queries against source data that return the points as individual objects displayed as a layer on a map. We will also cover Map servers, which can act like a feature service where it queries the source data but, instead of returning the individual points, it renders them as an image. Feature servers are great for analytics because you can perform calculations such as counting the number of points. Map servers are good for speed when you don’t need analytics and you are trying to serve a map many times. It’s easier for a user and a client application to download an image from a WMS than potentially over 50,000 individual points. OSM data is a common data source for Feature and Map servers around the world. It is one of the easiest datasets to get access to, as well as the cheapest...