Address global variables
Every address, externally owned or contract-based, has five global functions and three global properties. These functions and properties will be explored in depth in subsequent chapters on Solidify functions. The global properties related to the address are balance
, code
, and codehash
. The balance property is a getter
property and helps in retrieving the current ether balance (in wei
denomination) held by an address. Both code and codehash provide the bytecode responsible for contract creation in a different format.
The functions are as follows:
<address>.transfer(uint256 amount)
: This function sends the given amount of wei toaddress
and throws an exception in the event of failure.<address>.send(uint256 amount) returns (bool)
: This function sends the given amount of wei toaddress
and returnsfalse
in the event of failure.
<address>.call(...) returns (bool)
: This function issues a low-level call
and returns a tuple...