Reporting VM objects created during a predefined time period from VI Events object
An important auditing tool in your environment can be a report of when virtual machines were created, cloned, or deleted. Unlike snapshots, that store a created date on the snapshot, virtual machines don't have this property associated with them. Instead, you have to rely on the events log in vSphere to let you know when virtual machines were created.
PowerCLI has the Get-VIEvents
cmdlet that allows you to retrieve the last 1,000 events on the vCenter, by default. The cmdlet can accept a parameter to include more than the last 1,000 events. The cmdlet also allows you to specify a start date, and this can allow you to search for things within the past week or the past month.
At a high level, this recipe works the same in both PowerCLI and the vSphere SDK for Perl (VIPerl). They both rely on getting the vSphere events and selecting the specific events that match your criteria. Even though you are looking for VM...