Enhance menu

In this powerhouse menu, you'll find all of the features and tools you need to improve the tones and clarity of your creations:
- Auto Smart Fix (Alt/Opt + Ctrl/Cmd + M).
- Auto Smart Tone (Alt/Opt + Ctrl/Cmd + T).
- Auto Levels (Shift + Ctrl/Cmd + L).
- Auto Contrast (Alt/Opt + Shift + Ctrl/Cmd + L).
- Auto Haze Removal (Alt/Opt +Ctrl/Cmd + A).
- Auto Color Correction (Shift + Ctrl/Cmd + B).
- Auto Shake Reduction
- Auto Sharpen
- Auto Red Eye Fix (Ctrl/Cmd + R).
- Adjust Color - Includes: Remove Color Cast, Hue/Saturation (very useful—Ctrl/Cmd + U), Remove Color (Shift + Ctrl/Cmd + U), Replace Color, Adjust Color Curves, Adjust Color for Skin Tone, and Defringe Layer.
- Adjust Lighting—Includes Shadow Highlight, Brightness and Contrast, and the useful Levels (Ctrl/Cmd + L).
- Adjust Smart Fix (Shift + Ctrl/Cmd + M).
- Convert to Black...