Lighting FAQ
This section takes time out to explore lighting issues and problems that sometimes arise and common methods for resolving them. The issues listed here may not arise for the Dead Keys project specifically, but it's likely you'll encounter them somewhere, on some projects. Consequently, it's good to know how the issues are solved or at least avoided. This section takes a Question and Answer format:
Scene lighting appears wrong when opening a scene in the editor: This happens when Auto is enabled from the Lighting window. As the scene is opened, lighting is rebaked. This may take time or may fail entirely. The result is that scene lighting may not appear correct instantly when a scene is opened. You can resolve this by disabling auto baking from the Lighting window and then saving the scene to confirm the change. The next time the scene is opened, the existing baked data will be used instead.

Disabling Auto for baking
Scene lighting is baked, but appears messed up in the scene...