In this chapter, we delved into ledgers, blockchain definitions, blockchain structure, and layers. We also glanced at blockchain structure, blocks, transactions, and how blocks are added to the blockchain. We have familiarized ourselves with actors, components, and algorithms in blockchain. We also tried to coin the term distributed double-entry (also known as triple-entry). Chapter 2, Construing Distributed Ledger Tech and Blockchain, will enlist use cases on blockchain and Hyperledger and help us identify a possible approach for them. Enterprises are exploring the immense opportunities of DLT and blockchain, and they acknowledge the strategic and long-term benefits of this distributed technology; however, there are various challenges tagged with DLT and blockchain that need to be mitigated before it is adopted by enterprises. Although there are challenges, there is a wide array of opportunities available. As the trust and benefits of DLT and blockchain grows, businesses will explore and engage more in adopting DLT/blockchain. Let's delve into Chapter 2, Construing Distributed Ledger Tech and Blockchain, and explore the plethora of opportunities DLT-like blockchain offers by addressing various use cases.