Chapter 4. Inspecting Application Layer Protocols
This chapter will lead you through the common application layer protocols and will make it easy for you to find any anomalies. You will understand and analyze the normal behavior of application layer protocols by looking at the most common protocols and understand their usual and unusual behaviors.
- DNS—normal and unusual
- Lab Up—DNS
- FTP—normal and unusual
- Lab Up
- HTTP—normal and unusual
- Lab Up—HTTP
- SMTP—normal and unusual
- Lab Up—SMTP
- SIP—normal and unusual
- Lab Up—SIP
- VoIP—normal and unusual
- Lab Up—VoIP
- Decrypting encrypted traffic
- Practice questions
We will cover some of the most common application layer protocols that govern today's networks, whether small or big. Without spending too much time, let me take you on this wonderful journey of protocols.
Domain name system
Imagine a world of Internet where you have to type a random numerical value (IP address), instead...