Deploying applications
An important component when tuning the performance of Docker containers is the feedback telling us that we were able to improve our web application correctly. The deployment of Graphite and the ELK stack in Chapter 3, Monitoring Docker, gave us visibility on the effects of what we changed in our Docker-based web application. As much as it is important to gather feedback, it is more important to gather feedback in a timely manner. Therefore, the deployment of our Docker containers needs to be in a fast and scalable manner. Being able to configure a Docker host automatically, as we did in Chapter 2, Configuring Docker with Chef, is an important component for a fast and automated deployment system. The rest of the components are described in the following diagram:

Whenever we submit changes to our application's code or the Dockerfile describing how it is run and built, we need supporting infrastructure to propagate this change all of the way to our Docker hosts. In the...