Managing Bills and Purchases with Procure-to-Pay in Xero
Just as businesses need income to survive, they also need to purchase goods and services! Every business owner must manage bills and payments, along with the associated cash flow. As we saw in the last chapter, some businesses invoice and some don’t; the same goes for managing bills through accounts payable. Here, we will show you how to navigate the procurement-to-pay process in Xero for a business. This will ensure you are firmly on the road to success when dealing with the purchase of goods and services, from the Purchase Order stage, all the way through accounts payable, to the eventual payment of the invoice.
In this chapter, we’re going to cover the following main topics:
- Exploring the Purchase Order
- Processing accounts payable invoices
- Paying the invoices
By the end of this chapter, you will be able to create a Purchase Order, receive it, convert it to a bill, and pay it. This will...