- active contours / Active contours, morphological snakes, and GrabCut algorithms, Active contours
- active contours model / Active contours
- Adam optimizer / Classification with dense FC layers with Keras
- aliasing / Down-sampling
- anti-aliasing / Down-sampling and anti-aliasing, Image pyramids (Gaussian and Laplacian) – blending images
- artificial neural network (ANN) / What is deep learning?
- Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling (ASPP) / DeepLab V3+
- band-stop (notch) filter
- about / Band-stop (notch) filter
- used, to remove periodic noise from images / Using a notch filter to remove periodic noise from images
- Beier-Neely morphing / Face morphing
- bilateral filter
- using / Using the bilateral filter
- binary operations
- erosion / Erosion
- dilation / Dilation
- opening and closing / Opening and closing
- skeletonizing / Skeletonizing
- convex hull, computing / Computing the convex hull
- small objects function, removing / Removing small objects
- white top-hat / White and black top-hats
- black top-hat / White and black top-hats
- boundary, extracting / Extracting the boundary
- fingerprint cleaning, with opening and closing / Fingerprint cleaning with opening and closing
- grayscale operations / Grayscale operations
- black top-hat / White and black top-hats
- Blob detectors
- with LoG / Blob detectors with LoG, DoG, and DoH
- with DoG / Blob detectors with LoG, DoG, and DoH
- with DoH / Blob detectors with LoG, DoG, and DoH
- blurred version / Unsharp masking
- BoundingBoxes
- computing, with HOG-SVM / Computing BoundingBoxes with HOG-SVM
- canny edge detector
- with scikit-image / The Canny edge detector with scikit-image
- closing / Opening and closing
- color palette / K-means clustering for image segmentation with color quantization
- Compact Watershed algorithm / Felzenszwalb, SLIC, QuickShift, and Compact Watershed algorithms , Compact Watershed
- contrast stretching
- about / Contrast stretching
- PIL, used as point operation / Using PIL as a point operation
- PIL ImageEnhance module, used / Using the PIL ImageEnhance module
- with scikit-image / Contrast stretching and histogram equalization with scikit-image
- convex hull
- computing / Computing the convex hull
- about / Computing the convex hull
- convolution
- about / Understanding convolution
- on image / Why convolve an image?
- with SciPy signal module's convolve2d() function / Convolution with SciPy signal's convolve2d
- applying, to grayscale image / Applying convolution to a grayscale image
- boundary conditions / Convolution modes, pad values, and boundary conditions
- modes / Convolution modes, pad values, and boundary conditions
- pad values / Convolution modes, pad values, and boundary conditions
- applying, to color (RGB) image / Applying convolution to a color (RGB) image
- with SciPy ndimage.convolve / Convolution with SciPy ndimage.convolve
- versus correlation / Correlation versus convolution
- template, matching with cross-correlation between image / Template matching with cross-correlation between the image and template
- convolutional neural networks (CNN)
- about / CNNs, Some popular deep CNNs
- architecture / Conv or pooling or FC layers – CNN architecture and how it works
- working / Conv or pooling or FC layers – CNN architecture and how it works
- convolutional layer / Convolutional layer
- pooling layer / Pooling layer
- non-linearity / Non-linearity – ReLU layer
- FC layer / FC layer
- dropout / Dropout
- classifying, with Keras / CNN for classification with Keras
- MNIST, classifying / Classifying MNIST
- intermediate layers, visualizing / Visualizing the intermediate layers
- VGG-16/19 / VGG-16/19
- InceptionNet / InceptionNet
- Residual Network (ResNet) / ResNet
- convolution theorem
- about / Convolution theorem and frequency domain Gaussian blur
- application / Application of the convolution theorem
- 2D projection / 2D projection and visualization
- 2D visualization / 2D projection and visualization
- DC coefficient / Plotting the frequency spectrum
- deconvolution / Deconvolution and inverse filtering with FFT
- DeepLab V3+
- used, for deep semantic segmentation / Deep semantic segmentation with DeepLab V3+
- about / DeepLab V3+
- architecture / DeepLab v3 architecture
- model, used for semantic segmentation / Steps you must follow to use DeepLab V3+ model for semantic segmentation
- deep learning
- in image processing / Deep learning in image processing
- about / What is deep learning?, Why deep learning?
- versus classical / Classical versus deep learning
- deep semantic segmentation
- with DeepLab V3+ / Deep semantic segmentation with DeepLab V3+
- semantic segmentation / Semantic segmentation
- degradation / Image restoration
- derivatives / Derivatives and gradients
- descriptors
- versus feature detectors / Feature detectors versus descriptors
- Determinant of Hessian (DoH) / Determinant of Hessian (DoH)
- Difference of Gaussian (DoG) / Band-pass filter (BPF) with DoG, Difference of Gaussian (DoG)
- dilation / Dilation
- Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) / Why do we need the DFT?
- Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
- about / Discrete Fourier Transform
- need for / Why do we need the DFT?
- computing, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm / The Fast Fourier Transform algorithm to compute the DFT
- DoG filters / The LoG and DoG filters
- down-sampling, image formation
- anti-aliasing / Down-sampling and anti-aliasing
- edge-based segmentation / Edges-based/region-based segmentation, Edge-based segmentation
- edge detection
- derivatives, used / Edge detection using derivatives and filters (Sobel, Canny, and so on)
- filters, used / Edge detection using derivatives and filters (Sobel, Canny, and so on)
- gradient magnitude computed, with partial derivatives / With gradient magnitude computed using the partial derivatives
- with scikit-image / Different edge detectors with scikit-image – Prewitt, Roberts, Sobel, Scharr, and Laplace
- Hildreth's algorithm, zero-crossing computation / Edge detection with the Marr and Hildreth's algorithm using the zero-crossing computation
- Marr algorithm, zero-crossing computation / Edge detection with the Marr and Hildreth's algorithm using the zero-crossing computation
- edges
- enhancing, with PIL / Finding and enhancing edges with PIL
- finding, with PIL / Finding and enhancing edges with PIL
- eigenfaces
- about / PCA and eigenfaces , Eigenfaces
- with PCA / Eigenfaces with PCA
- reconstruction / Reconstruction
- decomposition / Eigen decomposition
- entropy / Computing the local entropy
- erosion / Erosion
- face morphing / Face morphing
- Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
- about / The Fast Fourier Transform algorithm to compute the DFT
- with scipy.fftpack module / The FFT with the scipy.fftpack module
- frequency spectrum, plotting / Plotting the frequency spectrum
- with numpy.fft module / The FFT with the numpy.fft module
- DFT, phase / Computing the magnitude and phase of a DFT
- magnitude, computing / Computing the magnitude and phase of a DFT
- feature detectors
- versus descriptors / Feature detectors versus descriptors
- about / Feature detectors versus descriptors
- feature extractors / Feature detectors versus descriptors
- Felzenszwalb algorithm
- about / Felzenszwalb, SLIC, QuickShift, and Compact Watershed algorithms
- graph-based image segmentation / Felzenszwalb's efficient graph-based image segmentation
- finite differences / Derivatives and gradients
- Floyd-Steinberg dithering
- with error diffusion / Floyd-Steinberg dithering with error diffusion
- frequency domain
- filtering / Filtering in the frequency domain (HPF, LPF, BPF, and notch filters), What is a filter?
- enhancement / What is a filter?
- smoothing / What is a filter?
- template matching / What is a filter?
- high-pass filter (HPF) / High-Pass Filter (HPF)
- low-pass filter (LPF) / Low-pass filter (LPF)
- band-pass filter (BPF), with DoG / Band-pass filter (BPF) with DoG
- band-stop (notch) filter / Band-stop (notch) filter
- image restoration / Image restoration
- frequency domain Gaussian blur
- about / Convolution theorem and frequency domain Gaussian blur
- with numpy fft / Frequency domain Gaussian blur filter with numpy fft
- with scipy signal fftconvolve() / Frequency domain Gaussian blur filter with scipy signal.fftconvolve()
- fully connected (FC) layer / Conv or pooling or FC layers – CNN architecture and how it works, Transfer learning with Keras
- fully convolutional network (FCN) / Introducing YOLO v2
- Gaussian Bayes classifier
- about / Bayes classifier (Gaussian generative model)
- generative model, training / Training the generative model – computing the MLE of the Gaussian parameters
- posterior probabilities, computing on test data / Computing the posterior probabilities to make predictions on test data and model evaluation
- posterior probabilities, computing on model evaluation / Computing the posterior probabilities to make predictions on test data and model evaluation
- Gaussian kernel
- in frequency domain / Gaussian kernel in the frequency domain
- in 2-D plot / Gaussian kernel in the frequency domain
- in 3-D plot / Gaussian kernel in the frequency domain
- SciPy convolve(), runtimes comparing / Comparing the runtimes of SciPy convolve() and fftconvolve() with the Gaussian blur kernel
- fftconvolve(), runtimes comparing / Comparing the runtimes of SciPy convolve() and fftconvolve() with the Gaussian blur kernel
- Gaussian Pyramid
- about / Image pyramids (Gaussian and Laplacian) – blending images
- with scikit-image transform's pyramid module / A Gaussian pyramid with scikit-image transform pyramid module
- constructing, with scikit-image transform module's reduce function / Constructing the Gaussian Pyramid
- images, blending / Blending images with pyramids
- generalization / Deep learning in image processing
- GoogleNet (Inception v1) / InceptionNet
- GrabCut
- about / GrabCut with OpenCV
- with OpenCV / GrabCut with OpenCV
- GrabCut algorithms / Active contours, morphological snakes, and GrabCut algorithms
- gradient
- about / Image derivatives – Gradient and Laplacian, Derivatives and gradients
- displaying, on image / Displaying the magnitude and the gradient on the same image
- gradient computation
- noise, effects / Effects of noise on gradient computation
- gray-level quantization / What is an image and how it is stored on a computer
- Haar-like features
- about / Haar-like features
- descriptor, with scikit-image / Haar-like feature descriptor with scikit-image
- face detection / Application – face detection with Haar-like features
- face detection, with OpenCV using pre-trained classifiers with Haar-cascade features / Face/eye detection with OpenCV using pre-trained classifiers with Haar-cascade features
- eye detection, with OpenCV using pre-trained classifiers with Haar-cascade features / Face/eye detection with OpenCV using pre-trained classifiers with Haar-cascade features
- finding, for face classification with random forest ensemble classifier / Finding the most important Haar-like features for face classification with the random forest ensemble classifier
- half-toning / Half-toning
- Harris Corner Detector
- about / Harris Corner Detector
- with scikit-image / With scikit-image
- with sub-pixel accuracy / With sub-pixel accuracy
- image matching / An application – image matching
- histogram equalization
- about / Histogram processing – histogram equalization and matching
- with scikit-image / Contrast stretching and histogram equalization with scikit-image
- histogram matching
- about / Histogram processing – histogram equalization and matching
- with scikit-image / Histogram matching
- for RGB image / Histogram matching for an RGB image
- Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) / Histogram of Oriented Gradients, Detecting objects with SVM using HOG features
- HOG descriptors
- algorithm, computing / Algorithm to compute HOG descriptors
- computing, with scikit-image / Compute HOG descriptors with scikit-image
- HOG training / HOG training
- holes
- filling, in binary objects / Filling holes in binary objects
- Hough transform / Hough transform – detecting lines and circles
- image
- I/O, with Python / Image I/O and display with Python
- displaying, with Python / Image I/O and display with Python
- reading, PIL used / Reading, saving, and displaying an image using PIL
- saving, PIL used / Reading, saving, and displaying an image using PIL
- displaying, PIL used / Reading, saving, and displaying an image using PIL
- correct path, providing on disk / Providing the correct path to the images on the disk
- reading, Matplotlib used / Reading, saving, and displaying an image using Matplotlib
- saving, Matplotlib used / Reading, saving, and displaying an image using Matplotlib
- displaying, Matplotlib used / Reading, saving, and displaying an image using Matplotlib
- interpolating, while matplotlib imshow displayed /
- saving, scikit-image used / Reading, saving, and displaying an image using scikit-image
- reading, scikit-image used / Reading, saving, and displaying an image using scikit-image
- displaying, scikit-image used / Reading, saving, and displaying an image using scikit-image
- reading, scipy misc used / Reading, saving, and displaying an image using scipy misc
- saving, scipy misc used / Reading, saving, and displaying an image using scipy misc
- displaying, scipy misc used / Reading, saving, and displaying an image using scipy misc
- matching, with BRIEF / Application – matching images with BRIEF, SIFT, and ORB
- matching, with SIFT / Application – matching images with BRIEF, SIFT, and ORB
- matching, with ORB / Application – matching images with BRIEF, SIFT, and ORB
- matching, with BRIEF binary descriptors with scikit-image / Matching images with BRIEF binary descriptors with scikit-image
- matching, with ORB feature detector using scikit-image / Matching with ORB feature detector and binary descriptor using scikit-image
- matching, with binary descriptor using scikit-image / Matching with ORB feature detector and binary descriptor using scikit-image
- matching, with ORB feature detector using Brute-Force matching / Matching with ORB features using brute-force matching with python-opencv
- matching, with python-opencv / Matching with ORB features using brute-force matching with python-opencv
- Brute-force matching, with SIFT descriptors / Brute-force matching with SIFT descriptors and ratio test with OpenCV
- ratio test, with OpenCV / Brute-force matching with SIFT descriptors and ratio test with OpenCV
- image classification
- with TensorFlow / Image classification with TensorFlow or Keras
- with Keras / Image classification with TensorFlow or Keras
- image classification, supervised machine learning
- MNIST dataset, downloading / Downloading the MNIST (handwritten digits) dataset
- dataset, visualizing / Visualizing the dataset
- kNN classifier, training / Training kNN, Gaussian Bayes, and SVM models to classify MNIST
- Gaussian Bayes classifier / Training kNN, Gaussian Bayes, and SVM models to classify MNIST
- SVM model / Training kNN, Gaussian Bayes, and SVM models to classify MNIST
- image denoising
- with FFT / Image denoising with FFT
- filter, in FFT / Filter in FFT
- final image, reconstructing / Reconstructing the final image
- image derivatives
- gradient / Image derivatives – Gradient and Laplacian
- Laplacian / Image derivatives – Gradient and Laplacian
- image formation
- quantization / Image formation – sampling and quantization, Quantization
- about / Image formation – sampling and quantization
- sampling / Sampling
- down-sampling / Down-sampling
- image inpainting / Image inpainting
- image matching
- about / An application – image matching
- RANSAC algorithm, used / Robust image matching using the RANSAC algorithm and Harris Corner features
- Harris Corner features, used / Robust image matching using the RANSAC algorithm and Harris Corner features
- image processing
- about / What is image processing and some applications, What is image processing?
- applications / What is image processing and some applications, Some applications of image processing
- storing, on computer / What is an image and how it is stored on a computer
- image processing libraries
- pip, installing / Installing pip
- installing, in Python / Installing some image processing libraries in Python
- Anaconda distribution, installing / Installing the Anaconda distribution
- Jupyter Notebook, installing / Installing Jupyter Notebook
- image processing pipeline
- about / The image processing pipeline
- acquisition and storage / The image processing pipeline
- memory, loading / The image processing pipeline
- disk, saving / The image processing pipeline
- manipulation / The image processing pipeline
- enhancement / The image processing pipeline
- restoration / The image processing pipeline
- segmentation / The image processing pipeline
- information extraction/representation / The image processing pipeline
- image understanding/interpretation / The image processing pipeline
- image quilting
- about / Image quilting
- texture synthesis / Texture synthesis
- texture transfer / Texture transfer
- image restoration
- about / Image restoration
- deconvolution, with FFT / Deconvolution and inverse filtering with FFT
- inverse filtering, with FFT / Deconvolution and inverse filtering with FFT
- image denoising, with FFT / Image denoising with FFT
- image sampling / What is an image and how it is stored on a computer
- image segmentation / What is image segmentation?
- InceptionNet / InceptionNet
- inpainting / Image inpainting
- interference / Using a notch filter to remove periodic noise from images
- Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) / Discrete Fourier Transform
- isotropic derivative / Laplacian
- Jupyter notebook
- about / Installing Jupyter Notebook
- references / Installing Jupyter Notebook
- K-means clustering
- for image segmentation, with color quantization / K-means clustering for image segmentation with color quantization
- k-nearest neighbors (KNN) classifier
- about / k-nearest neighbors (KNN) classifier
- computing / Computing the nearest neighbors
- performance, evaluating / Evaluating the performance of the classifier
- Keras
- used, for classifying dense FC layers / Classification with dense FC layers with Keras
- network, visualizing / Visualizing the network
- weights, visualizing in intermediate layers / Visualizing the weights in the intermediate layers
- used, for classifying CNN / CNN for classification with Keras
- kernel / Understanding convolution, Convolutional layer
- Laplacian
- about / Image derivatives – Gradient and Laplacian, Laplacian
- notes / Some notes about the Laplacian
- Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) / The LoG and DoG filters, Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG)
- Laplacian Pyramid
- about / Image pyramids (Gaussian and Laplacian) – blending images
- with scikit-image transform's pyramid module / A Laplacian pyramid with scikit-image transform's pyramid module
- constructing, with scikit-image transform module's reduce function / Constructing the Gaussian Pyramid
- image, reconstructing / Reconstructing an image only from its Laplacian pyramid
- images, blending / Blending images with pyramids
- linear noise smoothing
- about / Linear noise smoothing
- with PIL / Smoothing with PIL
- with ImageFilter.BLUR / Smoothing with ImageFilter.BLUR
- averaging, with box blur kernel / Smoothing by averaging with the box blur kernel
- with Gaussian blur filter / Smoothing with the Gaussian blur filter
- comparing, with box filter / Comparing smoothing with box and Gaussian kernels using SciPy ndimage
- Gaussian kernels, SciPy ndimage used / Comparing smoothing with box and Gaussian kernels using SciPy ndimage
- local entropy
- computing / Computing the local entropy
- LoG-convolved image / Edge detection with the Marr and Hildreth's algorithm using the zero-crossing computation
- LoG-smoothed image / Edge detection with the Marr and Hildreth's algorithm using the zero-crossing computation
- LoG filter
- about / The LoG and DoG filters
- with SciPy ndimage module / The LoG filter with the SciPy ndimage module
- used, for edge detection / Edge detection with the LoG filter
- log transform / Log transform
- low-pass filter (LPF)
- with scipy ndimage and numpy fft / LPF with scipy ndimage and numpy fft
- with fourier-gaussian / LPF with fourier_gaussian
- with scipy fftpack / LPF with scipy fftpack
- SNR changes, with frequency cutoff / How SNR changes with frequency cutoff
- Machine Learning (ML) / Deep learning in image processing
- magnitude
- displaying / Displaying the magnitude and the gradient on the same image
- Maximum Likelihood Estimates (MLE) / Training the generative model – computing the MLE of the Gaussian parameters
- max pooling / Pooling layer
- median filter
- using / Using the median filter
- classifying / Classifying MNIST
- morphological (Beucher) gradient
- computing / Computing the morphological Beucher gradient
- Morphological Active Contours without Edges (MorphACWE) / Morphological snakes
- morphological contrast enhancement / Morphological contrast enhancement
- Morphological Geodesic Active Contours (MorphGAC) / Morphological snakes
- morphological Laplace
- computing / Computing the morphological Laplace
- morphological snakes / Active contours, morphological snakes, and GrabCut algorithms, Morphological snakes
- multiple images
- reading / Reading and displaying multiple images at once
- displaying / Reading and displaying multiple images at once
- nearest neighbor classifier / k-nearest neighbors (KNN) classifier
- neural style transfer (NST)
- with cv2, pre-trained torch model used / Neural style transfers with cv2 using a pre-trained torch model
- about / Neural style transfers with cv2 using a pre-trained torch model
- algorithm / Understanding the NST algorithm
- implementing, with transfer learning / Implementation of NST with transfer learning
- ensuring, with content loss / Ensuring NST with content loss
- style cost, computing / Computing the style cost
- loss, computing / Computing the overall loss
- with Python / Neural style transfer with Python and OpenCV
- with OpenCV / Neural style transfer with Python and OpenCV
- noise removal
- with median filter / Noise removal with the median filter
- opening and closing used / Using opening and closing to remove noise
- non-local means
- using / Using non-local means
- non-maximum suppression
- about / With gradient magnitude computed using the partial derivatives, Non-max suppression
- algorithm / The non-maximum suppression algorithm
- nonlinear noise smoothing
- about / Nonlinear noise smoothing
- with PIL / Smoothing with PIL
- median filter, using / Using the median filter
- max and min filter, using / Using max and min filter
- denoising, with scikit-image / Smoothing (denoising) with scikit-image
- with scipy ndimage / Smoothing with scipy ndimage
- object detection, supervised machine learning
- face detection, with Haar-like features / Face detection with Haar-like features and cascade classifiers with AdaBoost – Viola-Jones
- cascade classifiers, with AdaBoost / Face detection with Haar-like features and cascade classifiers with AdaBoost – Viola-Jones
- face classification, with Haar-like feature descriptor / Face classification using the Haar-like feature descriptor
- objects, detecting with SVM using HOG features / Detecting objects with SVM using HOG features
- opening / Opening and closing
- Otsu's method / Thresholding and Otsu's segmentation
- Otsu's segmentation / Thresholding and Otsu's segmentation
- padding / Convolutional layer
- partial derivatives / Derivatives and gradients
- partial differential equation (PDE) / Variational image processing
- pip
- installing / Installing pip
- about / Installing pip
- pip installation
- reference link / Installing pip
- pixel (pel) / What is an image and how it is stored on a computer
- point-wise intensity transformations
- about / Point-wise intensity transformations – pixel transformation
- log transform / Log transform
- power-law transform / Power-law transform
- contrast stretching / Contrast stretching
- thresholding / Thresholding
- poisson image editing / Seamless cloning and Poisson image editing
- power-law transform / Power-law transform
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- about / PCA and eigenfaces
- dimension reduction / Dimension reduction and visualization with PCA
- visualization / Dimension reduction and visualization with PCA
- pyvenv
- reference link / Installing pip
- quantization
- about / Quantization
- with PIL / Quantizing with PIL
- QuickShift algorithm / Felzenszwalb, SLIC, QuickShift, and Compact Watershed algorithms , QuickShift
- region-based segmentation
- about / Edges-based/region-based segmentation, Region-based segmentation
- morphological watershed algorithm / Morphological watershed algorithm
- Region Adjacency Graph (RAG) / RAG merging
- Region Of Interest (ROI) / Face classification using the Haar-like feature descriptor
- Residual Network (ResNet) / ResNet
- same padding / Convolutional layer
- sampling, image formation
- up-sampling / Up-sampling, Up-sampling and interpolation
- interpolation / Up-sampling and interpolation
- scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT)
- about / Scale-invariant feature transform
- images, matching with BRIEF / Application – matching images with BRIEF, SIFT, and ORB
- images, matching with SIFT / Application – matching images with BRIEF, SIFT, and ORB
- images, matching with ORB / Application – matching images with BRIEF, SIFT, and ORB
- scikit-image's astronaut dataset
- using / Using scikit-image's astronaut dataset
- scikit-image filter.rank module
- about / The scikit-image filter.rank module
- morphological contrast enhancement / Morphological contrast enhancement
- noise removal, with median filter / Noise removal with the median filter
- local entropy, computing / Computing the local entropy
- scikit-image morphology module
- about / The scikit-image morphology module
- binary operations / Binary operations
- SciPy ndimage morphology module
- about / The SciPy ndimage.morphology module
- holes, filling in binary objects / Filling holes in binary objects
- opening and closing, used to remove noise / Using opening and closing to remove noise
- morphological (Beucher) gradient, computing / Computing the morphological Beucher gradient
- morphological Laplace, computing / Computing the morphological Laplace
- seam carving
- about / Seam carving
- energy calculation / Seam carving
- seam identification / Seam carving
- seam removal / Seam carving
- content-aware image resizing / Content-aware image resizing with seam carving
- object removal / Object removal with seam carving
- seamless blending / Seamless cloning and Poisson image editing
- seamless cloning / Seamless cloning and Poisson image editing
- second-order partial derivatives / Some notes about the Laplacian
- seed points / Region growing with SimpleITK
- sharpening
- about / Sharpening and unsharp masking
- with Laplacian / Sharpening with Laplacian
- SIFT descriptors
- scale-space extrema detection / Algorithm to compute SIFT descriptors
- keypoint localization / Algorithm to compute SIFT descriptors
- orientation assignment / Algorithm to compute SIFT descriptors
- keypoint descriptor computation / Algorithm to compute SIFT descriptors
- algorithm, computing / Algorithm to compute SIFT descriptors
- with opencv / With opencv and opencv-contrib
- with opencv-contrib / With opencv and opencv-contrib
- Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) / Quantizing with PIL
- signal to noise ratio (SNR) / How SNR changes with frequency cut-off, How SNR changes with frequency cutoff
- SimpleITK
- region growing / Region growing with SimpleITK
- single-channel / What is an image and how it is stored on a computer
- skeletonizing / Skeletonizing
- SLIC algorithm
- about / Felzenszwalb, SLIC, QuickShift, and Compact Watershed algorithms , SLIC
- RAG merging / RAG merging
- small object function
- removing / Removing small objects
- SNR changes
- with frequency cut-off / How SNR changes with frequency cut-off
- Sobel edge detector
- with scikit-image / Sobel edge detector with scikit-image
- spectral clustering
- for image segmentation / Spectral clustering for image segmentation
- spectrum of transform / Plotting the frequency spectrum
- squared Euclidean distance / Squared Euclidean distance
- stochastic gradient descent (SGD) / Classification with TF
- stride / Convolutional layer
- superpixels / Felzenszwalb, SLIC, QuickShift, and Compact Watershed algorithms
- supervised machine learning
- about / Supervised versus unsupervised learning
- versus unsupervised machine learning / Supervised versus unsupervised learning
- image classification / Supervised machine learning – image classification
- object detection / Supervised machine learning – object detection
- SVM classifier / SVM classifier
- SVM model
- classification / Classification with the SVM model
- TensorFlow (TF)
- about / Image classification with TensorFlow or Keras
- classification / Classification with TF
- texture synthesis / Texture synthesis
- texture transfer / Texture transfer
- thresholding
- fixing / With a fixed threshold
- about / Thresholding and Otsu's segmentation
- Total Variation Denoising / Total Variation Denoising
- Total Variation Inpainting / Image inpainting
- transfer learning
- using / Transfer learning – what it is, and when to use it
- with Keras / Transfer learning with Keras
- unsharp masking
- about / Sharpening and unsharp masking, Unsharp masking
- with SciPy ndimage module / With the SciPy ndimage module
- unsupervised machine learning
- about / Supervised versus unsupervised learning, Unsupervised machine learning – clustering, PCA, and eigenfaces
- versus supervised machine learning / Supervised versus unsupervised learning
- K-means clustering, for image segmentation with color quantization / K-means clustering for image segmentation with color quantization
- spectral clustering, for image segmentation / Spectral clustering for image segmentation
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA) / PCA and eigenfaces
- eigenfaces / PCA and eigenfaces
- unsupervised Wiener filter / Image deconvolution with the Wiener filter
- vanishing gradient problem / ResNet
- variational image processing
- about / Variational image processing
- Total Variation Denoising / Total Variation Denoising
- flat-texture cartoonish images, creating with Total Variation Denoising / Creating flat-texture cartoonish images with total variation denoising
- Vector Quantization (VQ) / K-means clustering for image segmentation with color quantization
- VGG-16/19
- about / VGG-16/19
- used, for classifying cat/dog images in Keras / Classifying cat/dog images with VGG-16 in Keras
- training phase / Training phase
- testing phase / Testing (prediction) phase
- virtualenv
- reference link / Installing pip
- Virtual Environment
- reference link / Installing pip
- white top-hat / White and black top-hats
- YOLO v2
- about / Introducing YOLO v2
- images, classifying / Classifying and localizing images and detecting objects
- objects, detecting / Classifying and localizing images and detecting objects
- images, localizing / Classifying and localizing images and detecting objects
- objects, proposing CNN used / Proposing and detecting objects using CNNs
- objects, detecting CNN used / Proposing and detecting objects using CNNs
- using / Using YOLO v2
- pre-trained YOLO model, used for object detection / Using a pre-trained YOLO model for object detection
- zero-crossings / Laplacian
- zero-padded kernel / Deconvolution and inverse filtering with FFT