Accessibility tools
There are a lot of built-in, third-party tools available that can help with different aspects of accessibility.
A great number of tools have been created that can help us with the accessibility of our web pages. Some are good for diagnosing issues and auditing pages for structural issues, some help us check tab order and keyboard accessibility, and some help us with design decisions around color contrast and text legibility.
In this section, we are going to look at the Axe accessibility checker, which can be used to audit a web page or site to highlight issues in our semantics and HTML structure that may cause accessibility issues.
The Axe® tool
Axe® is an accessibility tool developed by Deque. It is a popular accessibility testing resource that can be used to flag issues on our web pages. There are several versions of this tool, but we are going to look at the free Chrome extension, “axe DevTools - Web Accessibility Testing”...