Originally, it was my plan to extend the Neckbeard News app that we worked on earlier in this chapter. Instead, I decided that the Todo example for React (https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc/tree/gh-pages/examples/react) is a robust, yet concise, example that would be a better starting point for creating an application for this chapter.
I'm going to walk you through an example React Native implementation of a Todo app. The key is that it will use the same GraphQL backend as the web UI. I think this is a win for React developers that want to build both web and native versions of their apps; they can share the same schema!
I've included the web version of the Todo app in the code that ships with this book, but I won't dwell on the details of how it works. If you've worked on web development in the past 5 years, you've probably come across a sample Todo app. Here's what the web version looks like:

Even if you haven't used any of the...