In this chapter, we went through different MongoDB tools and learned how to use them to increase productivity. Starting from MongoDB Atlas, the hosted DBaaS solution, we followed on with Atlas Search and Serverless. Then, we discussed Kubernetes, how it compares to Docker and Docker Swarm, and how we can use Kubernetes with MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator.
The next section was dedicated to MongoDB Realm for mobile, IoT, and web application development. We detailed the different offerings from MongoDB Atlas around data access, querying, triggers, serverless functions, authentication, hosting, secrets, schemas, values, and static file hosting.
Then, we dived into MongoDB Charts and MongoDB Compass—the GUI-driven MongoDB administration tools. We learned about MongoDB Connector for BI and how it can prove to be useful for our purposes. Finally, we learned about Cloud Manager and Ops Manager and explored how they differ from each other.
In the next chapter...