Model Governance, Audit, and Compliance
“In this era of profound digital transformation, it’s important to remember that business, as well as government, has a role to play in creating shared prosperity – not just prosperity. After all, the same technologies that can be used to concentrate wealth and power can also be used to distribute it more widely and empower more people.”
– Erik Brynjolfsson, director of the MIT initiative on the digital economy
“Some cultures embrace privacy as the highest priority part of their culture. That’s why the U.S., Germany, and China may be at different levels in the spectrum. But I also believe fundamentally that every user does not want his or her data to be leaked or used to hurt himself or herself. I think GDPR is a very good first step, even though I might disagree with the way it was implemented and the effect it has on companies. I think governments should put a stake in the ground and say...