- ap.service / Systemd service unit file
- / The access point launcher script
- append files
- about / Append files
- auto.conf / auto.conf
- bblayers.conf / bblayers.conf
- BeagleBone
- building for / Let's build for BeagleBone
- local.conf / Local.conf
- bblayers.conf / bblayers.conf
- site.conf / site.conf
- auto.conf / auto.conf
- build, triggering / Trigger build
- booting / Booting BeagleBone
- BeagleBone, as Wi-Fi hotspot
- use case / Problem statement / use case
- requisites / Requirements
- literature survey / Literature survey
- strategy / Our strategy
- kernel support, enabling / Enabling kernel support
- required packages / Required packages
- upstart scripts, changing / Changing upstart scripts
- hotspot-yb, enabling / Enabling hotspot-yb
- managing in packagegroups / Managing in packagegroups
- enhancements / Knowing the issues/enhancements
- BeagleBone, turning into home surveillance system
- problem statement / Problem...