- Find the PoseNet demo application in tfjs-models and run it in your local machine: https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs-models/tree/master/posenet.
- Write an application that draws a circle where you click in the canvas area.
- Build an application that classifies the given image by using:
- MobileNet in tfjs-models
- Image Classifier in ML5.js (ml5.imageClassifier)
- Use the SketchRNN application to:
- Use the model for drawing a bird.
- By adjusting the temperature parameter of PDF, look into how the generated image is changed.
- Train RandomForestClassifier from machinelearn.js to predict the output value of OR, AND, and NAND logic.
- Build a pipeline, including preprocessing, as follows by using machinlearn.js:
- The input Iris dataset is available in machinelearn.js.
- The model is RandomForestClassifier.
- The model is evaluated by using train_test_split.
- The metric to evaluate...