Creating an MSIX image
An MSIX image is essentially one of three different disk types: VHD, VHDX, or a CIM image. These virtual disks/images are mounted or attached to the session host, and the content is then registered using the native operating system APIs.
The following figure shows the typical structure of an MSIX image. As you can see from the key elements, three layers make up the structure of the MSIX image:

Figure 14.20 – An illustration of the structure of an MSIX image
What is the Composite File System (CimFS)?
The CIM image is essentially a file-backed image format that is a similar concept to WIM. Read more on WIM here:
The term composite is used as it can contain multiple file system volumes that can be mounted individually but still share the same data files.
The following figure shows you the three types of files that you should...