- Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) / Using Play JSON
- activator templates
- about / Learning from activator templates
- reactive stocks / Reactive stocks
- reactive real-time search / Reactive real-time search
- Play-Akka-Angular-WebSocket template / The Play-Akka-Angular-WebSocket template
- actor-in-a-box / Understanding the Actor model
- Actor model
- about / Understanding the Actor model
- ActorRef object / Understanding the Actor model
- Actor Room
- about / Playing with Actor Room
- actors
- about / Understanding the Actor model
- supervising. to handle failure / Supervising actors to handle failure
- ActorSystem object / Understanding the Actor model
- actor systems
- testing / Testing actor systems
- Akka
- about / Getting started with Akka
- Actor model / Understanding the Actor model
- switching behavior / Switching behavior
- actor systems, testing / Testing actor systems
- documentation, URL / Exploring further with Akka
- akka.Main class / Switching behavior
- Algebird
- about / Scratching the surface of Big Data
- anonymous functions / Filter and partition
- Anorm / A simple example using Anorm
- appendToFile() function / Timing code execution in the REPL
- apply method / Understanding Iteratees in Play
- assert statement / Converting between collection types
- AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) / Mocking with ScalaMock
- async() method / The Async library – SIP-22-Async
- Async library
- about / The Async library – SIP-22-Async
- web services combining, async{}/await{} used / Combining web services
- web services combining, without await{} / Combining services without await
- async { <expression> } construct / The Async library – SIP-22-Async
- async{}/await{}
- used, for combining web services / Combining web services
- async{}/await{} mechanism / The Async library – SIP-22-Async
- authentication
- about / Playing with authentication
- await() method / The Async library – SIP-22-Async, Combining services without await
- await { <expression returning a Future> } construct / The Async library – SIP-22-Async
- Backus-Naur Form (BNF) / Tackling external DSLs through parser combinators
- BDD-style testing
- about / BDD-style testing
- BookstoreSpec.scala class / Binding XML data in Scala
- Casbah
- about / Entering Casbah
- Casbah Scala toolkit
- URL / Exploring MongoDB
- case word / Explaining case classes
- classic Play distribution
- URL, for downloading / Getting started with the classic Play distribution
- about / Getting started with the classic Play distribution
- close() method / Timing code execution in the REPL
- coll collection / Entering Casbah
- collections
- operations / Operations on collections
- containing primitive types, transforming / Transforming collections containing primitive types
- of complex objects / Collections of more complex objects
- collections, complex objects
- about / Collections of more complex objects
- filter and partition / Filter and partition
- tuples / Dealing with tuples
- map / Introducing Map
- option construct / Introducing the Option construct
- pattern matching / A glimpse at pattern matching
- map method / The map method
- String Interpolation / Looking at String Interpolation
- groupBy method / The groupBy method
- foldLeft method / The foldLeft method
- collection types / Converting between collection types
- companion / Declaring objects
- companion objects / Introducing companion objects
- Concurrency
- about / The pillars of Concurrency
- controller, Play application
- request, handling / Handling a request in the controller
- Converter.convert method / Testing with ScalaCheck
- copy and paste feature, REPL / Copying and pasting in the REPL
- copy method / Explaining case classes
- CustomerTest class / Making JPA available in Scala
- DAO (Data Access Object) class / Making JPA available in Scala
- database
- existing database, REST API creating from / Creating a REST API from an existing database
- sample database / The sample database
- Domain Specific Language (DSL)
- about / Building with Simple Build Tool (SBT)
- drop method / Transforming collections containing primitive types
- DSLs
- about / Introducing DSLs in Scala
- internal DSLs / Observing internal DSLs
- external DSLs, tackling through parser combinators / Tackling external DSLs through parser combinators
- Either class / The Async library – SIP-22-Async
- ElasticSearch
- URL / Reactive real-time search
- ElasticSearchActor actor / Reactive real-time search
- Enumeratee
- defining / Adapting Enumerator with Enumeratee
- Enumerator
- about / Understanding Iteratees in Play
- adapting, with Enumeratee / Adapting Enumerator with Enumeratee
- exceptions
- handling / Handling exceptions
- expectMsg() method / Testing actor systems
- expects method / Mocking with ScalaMock
- external DSLs
- tackling, through parser combinators / Tackling external DSLs through parser combinators
- f(param) function / Timing code execution in the REPL
- filter method / Filter and partition, A glimpse at pattern matching
- filterNot method / Filter and partition
- find method / Entering Casbah
- findOne{} method / Entering Casbah
- flatMap / Summary
- foldLeft method / The foldLeft method, Understanding Iteratees in Play
- foldRight method / Understanding Iteratees in Play
- for comprehension construct / Scala's for comprehension
- forURL method / Learning about Slick
- framework stack, Play application
- visualizing / Visualizing the framework stack
- functional testing
- about / Functional testing
- Futures and Promises
- URL / The pillars of Concurrency
- future{} method / The Async library – SIP-22-Async
- getByName method / Making JPA available in Scala
- GoldCustomer class / Scala traits as enhanced Java interfaces
- greetPrinter / Understanding the Actor model
- groupBy method / The groupBy method
- Groupon service / Working with HTTP
- H2-browser database
- visualizing / Visualizing the database in the H2browser
- about / Scratching the surface of Big Data
- HelloAkkaScala object / Understanding the Actor model
- help() function / Timing code execution in the REPL
- hot swapped / Visualizing the framework stack
- HQL (Hibernate Query Language) / Replacing ORM
- about / Working with HTTP
- for comprehension / Scala's for comprehension
- implicit c parameter / A simple example using Anorm
- Inbox object / Understanding the Actor model
- index() method / Exploring the request-response lifecycle
- index method / Playing with authentication
- Input.Empty
- about / Understanding Iteratees in Play
- Input.EOF
- about / Understanding Iteratees in Play
- Input[E]
- about / Understanding Iteratees in Play
- insert command / Entering Casbah
- IntelliJ
- about / Importing the project in Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and NetBeans
- internal DSLs / Observing internal DSLs
- Iteratees
- about / Understanding Iteratees in Play, Experimenting with WebSockets and Iteratees in Play
- Java
- unit testing, adding / Adding a unit test in Java
- and Scala code, in style differences / Differences in style between Java and Scala code
- code layout, adjusting / Adjusting the code layout
- naming conventions / Naming conventions
- JavaBean-style properties / JavaBean-style properties
- Java IDEs
- about / Inheriting Java Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)
- Java Maven project
- Scala, setting up / Setting up Scala within a Java Maven project
- Jfokus / Summary
- URL / Making JPA available in Scala
- JPA-annotated Scala
- URL / Making JPA available in Scala
- JPA entities
- creating / Creating JPA entities and REST web services
- JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language) / Replacing ORM
- JsArray / Using Play JSON
- JsBoolean / Using Play JSON
- JsError object / Calling web services from Play
- JsNull / Using Play JSON
- JsNumber / Using Play JSON
- JsObject / Using Play JSON
- manipulating / Manipulating JSON
- Play requests, handling with / Handling Play requests with XML and JSON
- Play responses, mocking with / Mocking Play responses with JSON
- JSPs (JavaServer Pages) / Rendering the view
- JsString / Using Play JSON
- JsValue type / Using Play JSON
- JUnit / Adding a unit test in Java
- lambdas / More concise and expressive
- Language entity / Making JPA available in Scala
- Location field / Better fit for asynchronous and concurrent code
- LogEntryProducerActor actor / Reactive real-time search
- LoggingReceive call / Playing with Actor Room
- LoggingReceive object / Switching behavior
- login method / Playing with authentication
- Macros / Mocking with ScalaMock
- main() method / Introducing Scala.js
- MainSearchActor actor / Reactive real-time search
- map
- about / Introducing Map
- map method
- about / The map method
- MapReduce / Scala's for comprehension
- MapReduce jobs
- URL / Scratching the surface of Big Data
- MapReduce transformations
- applying / Applying MapReduce transformations
- Maven project
- setting up / Setting up a Maven project
- mocking
- with ScalaMock / Mocking with ScalaMock
- MongoDB
- exploring / Exploring MongoDB
- URL / Exploring MongoDB
- Casbah / Entering Casbah
- MapReduce transformations, applying / Applying MapReduce transformations
- mongod daemon / Entering Casbah
- naming conventions / Naming conventions
- nbsbt plugin / Importing the project in Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and NetBeans
- NEScala / Summary
- not only SQL (NoSQL) / Exploring MongoDB
- onComplete() method / The Async library – SIP-22-Async
- option construct
- about / Introducing the Option construct
- about / Integrating an existing ORM – Hibernate and JPA
- replacing / Replacing ORM
- -paste command / Combining web services
- param argument / Timing code execution in the REPL
- parser combinators
- URL / Tackling external DSLs through parser combinators
- partition method / A glimpse at pattern matching
- pattern matching
- about / A glimpse at pattern matching
- Play
- web services, calling from / Calling web services from Play
- Play-Akka-Angular-WebSocket template
- about / The Play-Akka-Angular-WebSocket template
- play-json library / Calling web services from Play
- Play application
- architecture / Architecture of a Play application
- framework stack, visualizing / Visualizing the framework stack
- request-response lifecycle, exploring / Exploring the request-response lifecycle
- controller request, handling / Handling a request in the controller
- view, rendering / Rendering the view
- Play application, scaffolding
- about / Scaffolding a Play application
- test data, importing / Importing test data
- H2-browser database, visualizing / Visualizing the database in the H2browser
- app generation code, exploring / Exploring the code behind the app generation
- playcrud utility, limitations / Limitations of the playcrud utility
- playcrud utility
- limitations / Limitations of the playcrud utility
- Play Framework
- using, tips / Practical tips when using Play
- debugging / Debugging with Play
- version control / Dealing with version control
- persistence / Dealing with persistence in the Play Framework
- example, Anorm used / A simple example using Anorm
- Play JSON
- about / Using Play JSON
- Play requests
- handling, with XML / Handling Play requests with XML and JSON
- handling, with JSON / Handling Play requests with XML and JSON
- Play responses
- mocking, with JSON / Mocking Play responses with JSON
- Play responses
- mocking, with JSON / Mocking Play responses with JSON
- publish-local command / Importing the project in Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and NetBeans
- reactive applications
- about / Describing reactive applications
- Reactive Manifesto
- URL / Describing reactive applications
- ReactiveMongo project
- URL / Applying MapReduce transformations
- reactive real-time search
- about / Reactive real-time search
- reactive stocks
- about / Reactive stocks
- react to events
- about / Describing reactive applications
- react to failure
- about / Describing reactive applications
- react to load
- about / Describing reactive applications
- react to users
- about / Describing reactive applications
- receive() method / Understanding the Actor model, Supervising actors to handle failure
- Receiver actor / Playing with Actor Room
- reduce method / Naming conventions
- remove{} method / Entering Casbah
- REPL / Better fit for asynchronous and concurrent code
- as scripting engine / The REPL as a scripting engine
- copy and paste feature / Copying and pasting in the REPL
- timing code execution / Timing code execution in the REPL
- request-response lifecycle, Play application
- exploring / Exploring the request-response lifecycle
- require() assertion / Switching behavior
- creating, from existing database / Creating a REST API from an existing database
- sample database / The sample database
- Maven project, setting up / Setting up a Maven project
- JPA entities, creating / Creating JPA entities and REST web services
- REST web service, creating / Creating JPA entities and REST web services
- project, testing / Running and testing the project
- project, running / Running and testing the project
- REST web service
- creating / Creating JPA entities and REST web services
- ResultSet object / A simple example using Anorm
- run method / Understanding Iteratees in Play
- @ sign / Rendering the view
- about / Building with Simple Build Tool (SBT)
- sample project, creating / Creating a sample project
- Eclipse project, importing / Importing the project in Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and NetBeans
- IntelliJ / Importing the project in Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and NetBeans
- web application, creating / Creating a web application that runs on a servlet container
- single .jar archive building, sbt-assembly used / Using sbt-assembly to build a single .jar archive
- code, formatting with Scalariform / Formatting code with Scalariform
- sbt-assembly
- using, to build single .jar archive / Using sbt-assembly to build a single .jar archive
- sbt-idea plugin / Importing the project in Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and NetBeans
- sbteclipse plugin / Importing the project in Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and NetBeans, Writing tests with ScalaTest, Binding XML data in Scala
- Scala
- learning, through REPL / Learning Scala through the REPL
- test, adding / Adding a test in Scala
- setting up, within Java Maven project / Setting up Scala within a Java Maven project
- JPA availability / Making JPA available in Scala
- XML data, binding / Binding XML data in Scala
- DSLs / Introducing DSLs in Scala
- / Summary
- Scala.js
- about / Introducing Scala.js
- scala.util.Try class / Handling exceptions
- Scala and Java collaboration
- about / Scala and Java collaboration
- collection types / Converting between collection types
- JavaBean-style properties / JavaBean-style properties
- object orientation / Scala and Java object orientation
- enhanced Java interfaces / Scala traits as enhanced Java interfaces
- objects, declaring / Declaring objects
- companion objects / Introducing companion objects
- exceptions, handling / Handling exceptions
- ScalaCheck
- testing with / Testing with ScalaCheck
- Scaladays / Summary
- Scala dispatch library
- URL / Working with HTTP
- Scala events / Summary
- Scala eXchange / Summary
- Scala for Java projects
- advantages / Advantages of using Scala for Java projects, More concise and expressive, Increased productivity, Better fit for asynchronous and concurrent code
- Scala Improvement Process (SIP) / The pillars of Concurrency
- ScalaMock
- mocking with / Mocking with ScalaMock
- URL / Mocking with ScalaMock
- Scala REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) / Better fit for asynchronous and concurrent code
- about / Learning Scala through the REPL
- var variables, declaring / Declaring val/var variables
- val variables, declaring / Declaring val/var variables
- classes, defining / Defining classes
- case classes / Explaining case classes
- Scalariform
- code, formatting with / Formatting code with Scalariform
- ScalaTest
- about / Writing tests with ScalaTest
- BDD-style testing / BDD-style testing
- functional testing / Functional testing
- ScalaTest class / Writing tests with ScalaTest
- Scala Worksheets
- about / Experimenting with Scala Worksheets
- scalaxb
- running, from SOAP web service / Running scalaxb from a SOAP web service
- scalaxb library / Binding XML data in Scala
- Selenium tool
- URL / Functional testing
- Server Side Events (SSE) / Reactive real-time search
- Simple Build Tool (SBT) / Setting up Scala within a Java Maven project
- single .jar archive
- building, sbt-assembly used / Using sbt-assembly to build a single .jar archive
- singleOpt method / A simple example using Anorm
- Slick framework
- benefits / Replacing ORM
- about / Learning about Slick
- SOAP web service
- scalaxb, running from / Running scalaxb from a SOAP web service
- social security number (ssn) / Declaring val/var variables
- Spark
- about / Scratching the surface of Big Data
- Spring
- URL / Making JPA available in Scala
- square() method / Introducing Scala.js
- static keyword / Declaring objects
- StockActor
- about / Reactive stocks
- streams
- handling / Handling streams reactively
- String Interpolation
- about / Looking at String Interpolation
- StringSpecification test / Testing with ScalaCheck
- SummingBird
- about / Scratching the surface of Big Data
- system.actorOf() method / Understanding the Actor model
- TAB completion / Defining classes
- test
- adding / Adding a test in Scala
- test-only command / Writing tests with ScalaTest
- testing
- BDD-style testing / BDD-style testing
- functional testing / Functional testing
- timeAndLogged() function / Timing code execution in the REPL
- timedAndLogged() function / Timing code execution in the REPL
- timedAndLogged() method / Timing code execution in the REPL
- timing code execution, REPL / Timing code execution in the REPL
- TravelAgent object / Switching behavior
- tuples / Dealing with tuples
- Type Inference / Declaring val/var variables
- Typesafe Activator
- about / Taking advantage of Typesafe Activator, Getting started with the Typesafe Activator
- application creating, based on activator templates / Creating an application based on activator templates
- Typesafe page
- URL / Better fit for asynchronous and concurrent code
- unit test
- adding, in Java / Adding a unit test in Java
- using() function / Timing code execution in the REPL
- using() method / Timing code execution in the REPL
- view, Play application
- rendering / Rendering the view
- VIPCustomer class / Scala traits as enhanced Java interfaces
- -wrap() method / Timing code execution in the REPL
- web application
- creating / Creating a web application that runs on a servlet container
- web services
- calling, from Play / Calling web services from Play
- Web Services Description Language (WSDL) / Running scalaxb from a SOAP web service
- WebSocket.async[JsValue] method / The Play-Akka-Angular-WebSocket template
- WebSockets
- about / Experimenting with WebSockets and Iteratees in Play
- with keyword / Scala traits as enhanced Java interfaces
- manipulating / Manipulating XML
- Play requests, handling with / Handling Play requests with XML and JSON
- XML data
- binding / Binding XML data in Scala