PCG with modules
In software development, we strive to make our code modular. This means that we break our code down into smaller, simpler pieces, which are sometimes called modules. The point is to create larger systems out of pieces that can be reused in as many ways as possible. If we write code in this way, we can efficiently create similar systems and also increase our flexibility.
We could apply this concept to art, as well. If we separate a piece of art into its components, we can redraw each component in many different ways. Each component is a module, and we can swap modules to make a whole new piece of art.
An example of this would be a sword. A sword is made up of three basic components of modules, such as a blade, a hilt, and a handle. We can combine any blade with any hilt and handle, if we choose to. We will put this example into practice, as this will show exactly how we implement our modular weapons.

Weapon module sprites
Statistics of modular PCG
Besides the fact that this system...