We began by covering the classic CRUD architecture and its limitations. Then, we introduced Event Sourcing as an alternative approach to managing data and explored its history. We delved into how a team can decide whether Event Sourcing should be considered in their systems.
We used the real-life example of villagers exchanging services to demonstrate how Event Sourcing can be implemented. We also briefly laid out a plan for how a CRUD system can migrate to Event Sourcing.
Afterward, we moved to the topic of CQRS architecture. We discussed using commands as write operations and queries as read operations. We mentioned the basic constructs of CQRS and how they relate to the DDD and Event Sourcing architectures. We saw a side-by-side comparison of CRUD and CQRS in breaking down multiple update operations.
We then discussed using both CQRS and Event Sourcing. We described how these two architectures complement each other with the extension of the real-life example.