Size does matter
We have learned in school about the alphabet, that puts all letters in a specific order, like A, B, C if you are English, or A, Ă, Â if you’re Romanian (yes, there are a surprisingly large number of variations to the letter A at the beginning of the Romanian alphabet). Not everyone alive today is sure about the reasoning of the order, but since todays’ alphabets are based on older ones, such as Α, Β, Γ for the Greeks or 𓀀, 𓁐, 𓁣 and even 𓁷 for our Ancient Egyptian ancestors, we can’t really be sure why this succession of characters has emerged.
The alphabet is a very handy thing; it helps us organize and categorize everything that can be named. From insects, with ants being categorized before bees, through to the spices in your cupboard (except if you organize yours based on color or, even better, usage frequency… poor dear Zimbabwean mufushwa, you’ll stay in the back...