Running your code
In this recipe, we want to teach you how to run the code that we have constructed using the Kivy framework.
Getting ready
This recipe needs some code to be run and Kivy to be properly installed. We will use the code in the recipe Relating Python code and the Kv language, where we have two files, e4.kv
How to do it…
This recipe may seem easy because it is just a few steps, but the explanation is important. Use Python from the shell to run the file
$ Python --size=250x200
It will display:

How it works…
As we've already seen in the recipe Relating Python code and the Kv language, the call to the e4.kv
file occurs inside the
code; as such, Kivy does not need an explicit reference. We used the option size previously because Kivy has a default size (usually 800x600 pixels) that did not meet our expectations.
There's more…
Well, if you are using a different operative system, there are some other considerations.
Mac OS X
With Mac OS X we use a portable package and we need to run the file a little bit differently:
$ kivy --size=250x200
This is because the Kivy framework has been packed with Python in the program call kivy
Microsoft Windows
In Microsoft Windows, the portable package is called with a secondary click, using Send to menu, and selecting Kivy.

See also
If you are interested in how to run your code on a mobile device, go to Chapter 9, Kivy for Mobile Devices.