Chapter 30. Exploiting Real-World Challenges with Metasploit
Welcome! This chapter is the final and most complicated chapter of the book. I recommend you read through all the previous chapters and exercises before proceeding with this chapter. However, if you have completed all the tasks and done some research by yourself, let's move on to facing real-world challenges and solving them with Metasploit. In this chapter, we will cover two scenarios based on real-world problems with regard to being a penetration tester and a state-sponsored hacker. Both challenges pose a different set of requirements; for example, evasion would typically be more relevant to a law enforcement cyber player than a corporate penetration tester and the case is the same for achieving persistence on systems. The agenda of this chapter is to familiarize you with the following:
- Pivoting to internal networks
- Using web application bugs for gaining access
- Cracking password hashes
- Using the target system as a proxy
- Evading antivirus...