Most high-end cameras shoot in a Log (logarithmic) profile, which preserves a wide color gamut and dynamic range. Current video formats don’t support the information captured by a higher-end camera’s sensor, which means that the higher dynamic range would not be available in Final Cut Pro. Footage shot with a Log profile looks washed out when imported into a Rec. 709 timeline, so Final Cut Pro uses LUTs to convert the extra dynamic range into an image that fits the Rec. 709 standard for video.
There are built-in LUTs for common camera formats, and additional LUTs can be installed by scrolling to the bottom of the CUSTOM CAMERA section and selecting Add Custom Camera LUT…. There is a vast range of LUTs available to download from camera manufacturers as free downloads.

Figure 12.35 – Built-in LUTs
To convert a clip with a Log profile using a LUT, select the clip in the browser, then in the inspector’s i (info) tab...