- Active Directory / Configuring vMA to join an existing domain
- AD authentication
- used, for adding vCenter to vMA / How to do it…
- added target server
- reconfiguring / Reconfiguring an added target server
- authentication policy, changing / Changing the authentication policy
- user, recovering / Changing or recovering a user
- application monitoring feature / How it works...
- ATS (Atomic Test and Set) / Introduction
- authentication policy, vMA
- changing / Changing the authentication policy
- Auto Deploy server
- about / Installing the Auto Deploy server
- installing / Installing the Auto Deploy server, How to do it…
- ESXi Offline Bundle, adding / Adding the Offline Bundle to the Auto Deploy server
- testing / Testing Auto Deploy, How to do it…
- first boot / First boot
- subsequent boot / Subsequent boot
- Stateless Caching, enabling / Enabling Stateless Caching, How to do it…, How it works…
- Auto Deploy stateful install
- performing / Performing an Auto Deploy stateful install, How to do it…, How it works…
- 32-bit System DSN / How to do it..., How it works...
- 32-bit vCenter Server
- upgrading, to vCenter 5.1 / Upgrading a 32-bit vCenter Server to vCenter 5.1
- settings, backing up / Backing up the settings from a 32-bit vCenter Server
- configuration, restoring on new machine / Restoring the configuration on the new machine
- backup.bat batch script, running / How it works...
- install.bat batch script, running / How it works...
- baseline
- about / Creating a baseline
- creating / Creating a baseline, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- Host Patch / How it works...
- Host Upgrade / How it works...
- Host Extension / How it works...
- VA Upgrade / How it works...
- basic switching constructs
- configuring / Introduction
- vSS / Introduction
- vDS / Introduction
- dvPortGroup / Introduction
- port group / Introduction
- VMkernel port / Introduction
- dvUplink / Introduction
- bootable gPXE image / First boot
- about / Introduction
- CLI command
- running, target servers / Running CLI command on target servers, How to do it…
- commands, issuing on default target / Method 1 – Issue commands on the default target
- commands, issuing by specifying target server / Method 2 – Issue commands by specifying a target server
- commands, issuing against a vCenter Server / Method 3 – Issuing commands against a vCenter Server added as the target
- cluster automation level, VM
- overriding / Overriding the cluster automation level for a VM, How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- community PVLAN
- about / How it works...
- Connect-VIServer cmdlet / How it works…
- download link / Using the ESXi Console to view the LUN information
- custom disk shares
- setting, on VM / Modifying disk shares on a VM, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- Datastore
- about / Introduction
- datastore cluster
- about / Creating a datastore cluster
- creating / Creating a datastore cluster, How to do it
- working / How it works…
- datastore heartbeating
- about / Introduction
- configuring / Configuring datastore heartbeating, How to do it..., How it works...
- datastores
- viewing, vSphere Web Client used / Using the vSphere Web Client to view LUNs
- viewing, ESXi Console used / Using the ESXi Console to view the datastores
- DB users
- creating, for SSO database / Creating DB users for the SSO database, How it works...
- Dell EqualLogic MEM
- URL / Viewing the multipathing information of a LUN
- deploy rule
- creating / Creating a deploy rule, How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- activating / Activating a deploy rule, How it works…
- depot URL / How it works…
- DHCP server
- configuring, for PXE boot / Configuring the DHCP server for PXE boot, How to do it…, How it works…
- distributed locking
- about / Introduction
- distributed management task force (DMTF) / Exporting a virtual machine
- distributed port mirroring
- about / How it works...
- distributed port mirroring (legacy)
- about / How it works...
- download sources, vSphere Update Manager
- adding / Adding a download source, How to do it..., How it works...
- DPortGroup
- about / Creating a distributed port group
- creating / Creating a distributed port group, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- DRAC / Using the ESXi Console to view the LUN information
- DRS automation level
- selecting / Choosing a DRS automation level
- fully automated / Choosing a DRS automation level
- partially automated / Choosing a DRS automation level
- manual / Choosing a DRS automation level
- working / How it works…
- DRS cluster
- about / How it works…
- DRS Groups Manager
- about / Creating host and VM DRS groups
- DVUplink
- about / Introduction
- dynamic baseline
- about / How it works...
- Dynamic Discovery
- about / Introduction
- EMC PowerPath
- URL / Viewing the multipathing information of a LUN
- encapsulated remote mirroring (L3) source
- about / How it works...
- esxcfg-mpath
- used, for viewing multipathing information of LUN / Using the esxcfg-mpath
- ESXi 5.1
- installing / Installing ESXi 5.1, How to do it...
- ESXi 5.1 upgrade
- performing / Upgrading to ESXi 5.1, How to do it..., How it works...
- ESXi Console
- used, for viewing LUNs info / Using the ESXi Console to view the LUN information
- used, for viewing LUN / Using the ESXi Console to view the LUN information
- used, for viewing datastores / Using the ESXi Console to view the datastores
- ESXi host
- adding, to vMA / Adding an ESXi host to vMA, How it works…
- ESXi hosts
- about / Introduction
- ESXi hosts or cluster
- remediating / Remediating a host or a cluster, How to do it...
- ESXi Image
- selecting, for deployment / Choosing an ESXi Image to deploy, How to do it…
- ESXi Image Builder
- about / Introduction
- ESXi Image DVD
- about / Introduction
- ESXi Images
- importing / How to do it...
- ESXi Offline Bundle
- downloading / Downloading an ESXi Offline Bundle, How to do it…
- about / Downloading an ESXi Offline Bundle
- adding, to Auto Deploy server / Adding the Offline Bundle to the Auto Deploy server, How it works…
- ESXi server
- upgrading / Upgrading the ESXi server
- scripted install, performing / Performing a scripted install of the ESXi server, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- ESXi servers
- about / Introduction
- ESX Server
- Image Profile, applying / Applying an Image Profile to the host, How to do it…, How it works…
- ESXSoftwareDepot command / Choosing an ESXi Image to deploy
- failover capacity
- about / Configuring vSphere HA admission control
- by static number of hosts / Failover capacity by static number of hosts
- by reserving a percentage of the cluster resources / Failover capacity by reserving a percentage of the cluster resources
- dedicated failover hosts / Dedicated failover hosts
- fastpass Authentication
- used, for adding vCenter to vMA / How to do it…, How it works…
- Fault Domain Manager
- about / Introduction
- fixed baseline
- about / How it works...
- fully qualified domain name (FQDN) / How to do it...
- 4 GB scratch partition / Installing ESXi 5.1
- Get-ESXImageProfle command / How to do it…
- gPXE boot image / Configuring a TFTP server with Auto Deploy files
- Guest Operating System (GOS) / How it works...
- guest OS reclamation / Virtual machine enhancements available with vSphere 5.1
- GUID Partition Table (GPT) / Installing ESXi 5.1
- hardware wizard components
- Network Adapter / The virtual machine components
- Hard disk (New/Existing/RDM) / The virtual machine components
- SCSI Device / The virtual machine components
- PCI Device / The virtual machine components
- foppy drive / The virtual machine components
- CD/DVD drive / The virtual machine components
- HBA (Host Bus Adapter)/initiator / Viewing the multipathing information of a LUN
- host/VM DRS groups
- creating / Creating host and VM DRS groups, How to do it…
- host baseline group
- creating / Creating a host baseline group, How to do it...
- Host Extension
- about / How it works...
- host isolation response
- about / Setting host isolation response for an HA cluster
- setting, for HA cluster / Setting host isolation response for an HA cluster, How to do it...
- leave powered on / Setting host isolation response for an HA cluster
- power off then failover / Setting host isolation response for an HA cluster
- shut down then failover / Setting host isolation response for an HA cluster
- host monitoring
- about / Disabling host monitoring
- disabling / Disabling host monitoring, How to do it...
- Host Patch
- about / How it works...
- Host Profile
- about / Creating a Host Profile
- creating / How to do it…
- hosts
- adding, to vDS / Adding hosts to a vSphere Distributed Switch, How to do it...
- Host Upgrade
- about / How it works...
- HTTP Boot Request / First boot
- identity source / There's more...
- ILO / Using the ESXi Console to view the LUN information
- Image Profile / How it works…
- about / Image Profiles
- creating, by cloning / Creating an Image Profile by cloning an existing one, How to do it…
- removing / Removing an Image Profile, How to do it…
- VIB, adding / Adding a VIB (software package) to an Image Profile, How to do it…
- exporting / Exporting an Image Profile as an ISO or Offline Bundle, How to do it…
- creating, from scratch / Creating an Image Profile from scratch, How to do it…
- applying, to host / Applying an Image Profile to the host, How to do it…
- Image Profile, cloning
- performing / How to do it…, Cloning an Image Profile to form a new one
- Software Depot existence, verifying in current version / Verifying the existence of a Software Depot in the current session
- Software Depot, adding / Adding a Software Depot
- available Image Profiles, listing / Listing available Image Profiles
- in-place upgrade, VMware vCenter 5.1 upgrade
- about / Performing an in-place upgrade of vCenter Server
- performing / Performing an in-place upgrade of vCenter Server, How to do it..., How it works...
- independent disk mode, VMDX
- persistence mode / Virtual machine disk modes
- non-persistence mode / Virtual machine disk modes
- installation
- vCenter 5.1 / Installing vCenter 5.1
- vCSA / Installing the vCenter Server Appliance update
- ESXi 5.1 / Installing ESXi 5.1
- inter-VM affinity/Anti-affinity rule
- creating / Creating "Inter-VM" affinity/anti-affinity rules, How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- VMs, keeping together / Keep virtual machines together:
- VMs, seperating / Separate virtual machines:
- iSCSI connection
- about / Introduction
- iSCSI fundamentals
- about / Introduction
- iSCSI initiator / Introduction
- iSCSI target / Introduction
- iSCSI session / Introduction
- iSCSI connection / Introduction
- iSCSI portal / Introduction
- CHAP / Introduction
- Dynamic Discovery / Introduction
- Static discovery / Introduction
- iSCSI initiator
- about / Introduction
- iSCSI multipathing
- about / Preparing the vSphere network for iSCSI multipathing
- vSphere network, preparing for / Preparing the vSphere network for iSCSI multipathing, How to do it...
- iSCSI or NFS storage
- about / Introduction
- iSCSI portal
- about / Introduction
- iSCSI session
- about / Introduction
- iSCSI target
- about / Introduction
- iSCSI target server
- adding, to software iSCSI adapter / Adding an iSCSI target server to the software iSCSI adapter, How to do it..., How it works...
- isolated PVLAN
- about / How it works...
- local appliance key / How to do it...
- multipathing information, viewing / Viewing the multipathing information of a LUN
- multipathing information, viewing with vSphere Web Client GUI / Using the vSphere Web Client GUI
- multipathing information, viewing with esxcfg-mpath / Using the esxcfg-mpath
- paths, masking / Masking paths to a LUN, How to do it…
- paths, unmasking / Unmasking paths to a LUN, How to do it…
- LUN information
- viewing, on ESXi host / How to do it...
- viewing, on ESXi host using vSphere Web Client / Using the vSphere Web Client to view LUNs
- viewing, on ESXi host using ESXi Console / Using the ESXi Console to view the LUN information
- management network
- migrating, to DSwitch / How to do it...
- managing controller / How it works...
- migration threshold
- about / Setting a migration threshold
- setting / How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- Conservative Level / How it works…
- Conservative Level +1 / How it works…
- Mid-level (default) / How it works…
- Aggressive Level -1 / How it works…
- Aggressive Level / How it works…
- Multipathing Extension Module (MEM) / There's more...
- Multipathing Plugins (MPP) / Viewing the multipathing information of a LUN
- Native Multipathing Plugin (NMP) / Viewing the multipathing information of a LUN
- NetFlow
- about / Enabling NetFlow on a DSwitch
- enabling, on DSwitch / Enabling NetFlow on a DSwitch, How to do it..., How it works...
- New-ESXImageProfile cmdlet
- about / Cloning an Image Profile to form a new one
- new VMkernel adapter, for iSCSI or NFS
- creating / Creating a new VMkernel interface for iSCSI or NFS, How to do it...
- NFS datastore
- about / Creating an NFS datastore
- creating / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- NFS volume
- about / Introduction
- Offline Bundle
- about / Offline Bundle
- open virtual machine format (OVF) / Exporting a virtual machine
- patches
- staging, for remediation / Staging patches, How it works...
- paths
- masking, to LUN / Masking paths to a LUN, How to do it…
- unmasking, to LUN / Unmasking paths to a LUN, How to do it…
- Path Selection Plugin (PSP) / Viewing the multipathing information of a LUN
- physical adapter (vmnic)
- mapping, to dvUplink / Mapping a physical adapter (vmnic) to a dvUplink, How to do it...
- mapping, to dvUplink with vSphere Web Client / Using the vSphere Web Client
- mapping, to dvUplink with esxcfg-vswitch / Using esxcfg-vswitch, How it works...
- port group
- about / Introduction
- deleting / Deleting a port group
- deleting, vSphere Web Client used / Using vSphere Web Client
- deleting, esxcfg-vswitch used / Using esxcfg-vswitch
- port mirroring
- about / Enabling port mirroring on a DSwitch
- enabling, on DSwitch / Enabling port mirroring on a DSwitch, How to do it...
- mirroring session types / How it works...
- distributed port mirroring / How it works...
- remote mirroring source / How it works...
- remote mirroring destination / How it works...
- encapsulated remote mirroring (L3) source / How it works...
- distributed port mirroring (legacy) / How it works...
- PowerCLI session
- about / How it works…
- power management
- enabling, on per-host level / Enabling power management on a per-host level, How to do it…
- about / Enabling power management on a per-host level
- pre-upgrade checks, VMware vCenter 5.1 upgrade
- about / Carrying out pre-upgrade checks before performing a vCenter upgrade
- ESX server compatibility, checking / Checking the ESX server compatibility
- VMware vCenter Host Agent Pre-Upgrade Checker, running / Running VMware vCenter Host Agent Pre-Upgrade Checker
- database compatibility, checking / Checking database compatibility
- SSL certificates backup, performing / Backing up the SSL certificates
- SSL certificate verification, enabling / Enabling SSL certificate verification
- non-default software and plugins, uninstalling / Uninstalling the non-default software and plugins
- profile-driven storage
- about / Profile-driven storage
- promiscuous PVLAN
- about / How it works...
- PSA (Pluggable Storage Architecture) / Viewing the multipathing information of a LUN
- putty
- download link / Using the ESXi Console to view the LUN information
- about / Configuring private VLANs (PVLANs) on a DSwitch
- configuring, on DSwitch / How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- promiscuous PVLAN / How it works...
- community PVLAN / How it works...
- isolated PVLAN / How it works...
- PXE (Preboot Execution Environment)
- about / Introduction
- PXE boot configuration
- testing / Testing the PXE boot configuration
- working / How it works…
- about / Attaching RDM to a virtual machine
- using / Attaching RDM to a virtual machine
- physical compatibility mode / Attaching RDM to a virtual machine
- virtual compatibility mode / Attaching RDM to a virtual machine
- attaching, to VM / How to do it...
- remediation
- about / Remediating a host or a cluster
- host maintenance mode options / Host maintenance mode options for remediation
- cluster maintenance mode options / Cluster maintenance mode options for remediation
- remote mirroring destination
- about / How it works...
- remote mirroring source
- about / How it works...
- Rule Engine / Subsequent boot
- scripted install, ESXi server
- performing / Performing a scripted install of the ESXi server, How to do it..., How it works...
- SecureCRT / Using the ESXi Console to view the LUN information
- Security Support Provider Interface service (SSPI) / How to do it...
- SE Sparse / Virtual machine enhancements available with vSphere 5.1
- Set-Execution policy cmdlet / How it works…
- shared repository
- creating / Creating a shared repository
- using / Using a shared repository, How to do it...
- about / Storage I/O Control (SIOC), Enabling Storage I/O Control (SIOC)
- enabling / How to do it..., How it works...
- Sizing Estimator
- about / See also
- snapshot consolidation
- about / Consolidating snapshots
- performing / Consolidating snapshots, How it works...
- Software Depot
- about / Offline Bundle
- software iSCSI adapter
- adding / Adding the software iSCSI adapter
- creating / How to do it...
- enabling / How to do it...
- working / How it works..., How it works...
- VMkernel interfaces, binding to / Binding VMkernel interfaces to the software iSCSI adapter, How to do it...
- iSCSI target server, adding / Adding an iSCSI target server to the software iSCSI adapter, How to do it...
- SQL Express database / How it works...
- staging
- about / Staging patches
- stateful install
- about / Performing an Auto Deploy stateful install
- Stateless Caching
- enabling / Enabling Stateless Caching, How to do it…, How it works…
- Static discovery
- about / Introduction
- Storage Array Type Plugin (SATP) / Viewing the multipathing information of a LUN
- Storage DRS
- about / Enabling Storage DRS
- enabling / How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- initial placement / Initial placement
- space utilization, balancing / Balancing space utilization
- I/O load, balancing / Balancing I/O load
- storage provider
- adding, to vCenter server / Adding a storage provider, How to do it..., How it works...
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Linux (SLES) 11 SP1 / Preparing vMA for first use
- table space
- creating, for SSO on SQL instance / Creating a table space for SSO on a SQL instance, How to do it..., How it works...
- TFTP server
- about / Configuring a TFTP server with Auto Deploy files
- configuring, for PXE boot / How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- thin-provisioned disk / Virtual machine disk provisioning methods
- installing / Installing the Update Manager Download Service (UMDS), How to do it...
- configuring / How to do it...
- data, downloading / How to do it...
- uplink
- addin to vSS, vSphere Web Client used / Using vSphere Web Client
- addin to vSS, esxcfg-vswitch used / Using esxcfg-vswitch
- user, vMA
- recovering / Changing or recovering a user
- user-defined storage capabilities
- creating / Creating user-defined storage capabilities, How to do it...
- mapping, to datastores / Mapping user-defined storage capabilities to datastores, How to do it...
- (vSphere Storage API for Storage Awareness)
- about / Profile-driven storage
- VA
- remediating / Remediating a VM or a VA, How to do it...
- about / Introduction
- VA Upgrade
- about / How it works...
- vCenter 5.1
- installing / Installing vCenter 5.1, Getting ready, How to do it...
- vCenter Server
- storage provider, adding / Adding a storage provider, How to do it...
- vCenter Single Sign On / Getting ready
- vCSA
- about / VMware vCenter Server Appliance (vCSA)
- deploying / Deploying a VMware vCenter Server Appliance (vCSA), How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- limitations / There's more...
- preparing, for first use / Preparing vCenter Server Appliance for first use, How to do it...
- update, installing / Installing the vCenter Server Appliance update, How to do it..., How it works...
- upgrading / Upgrading a vCenter Server Appliance
- vDS
- about / Introduction
- creating / Creating a vSphere Distributed Switch, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- hosts, adding / Adding hosts to a vSphere Distributed Switch, How to do it...
- VMkernel interface, creating / Creating a VMkernel interface on a vSphere Distributed Switch, How to do it...
- importing, into datacenter from backup / Importing a vSphere Distributed Switch into the datacenter from a backup, How it works...
- port mirroring, enabling / Enabling port mirroring on a DSwitch, How to do it...
- NetFlow, enabling / Enabling NetFlow on a DSwitch, How to do it...
- PVLANs, configuring / Configuring private VLANs (PVLANs) on a DSwitch, How it works...
- vDS configuration
- exporting / Exporting the vSphere Distributed Switch configuration, How to do it..., How it works...
- restoring / Restoring the vSphere Distributed Switch configuration, How it works...
- Veritas Dynamic Multipathing
- URL / Viewing the multipathing information of a LUN
- about / VIB (vSphere Installation Bundle)
- adding, to Image Profile / Adding a VIB (software package) to an Image Profile
- VIBs (vSphere Installation Bundles) / How it works…
- VIBs, adding to Image Profile
- Image Profile, verifying if read-only / Verifying whether the Image Profile is read-only
- Offline Bundle, adding to PowerCLI / Adding the driver's Offline Bundle to the PowerCLI
- needed software package (VIB) availability, checking / Checking the availability of the needed software package (VIB)
- virtualized hardware virtualization (VHV) / Virtual machine enhancements available with vSphere 5.1
- virtual machine BIOS file
- about / The virtual machine BIOS file
- virtual machine configuration (VMX) file
- about / The virtual machine configuration file
- entries / The virtual machine configuration file
- numvcpus / The virtual machine configuration file
- cpuid.coresPerSocket / The virtual machine configuration file
- scsiX.virtualDev / The virtual machine configuration file
- ethernetX.virtualDev / The virtual machine configuration file
- ethernetX.generatedAddress / The virtual machine configuration file
- guestOS / The virtual machine configuration file
- uuid.bios / The virtual machine configuration file
- vc.uuid / The virtual machine configuration file
- virtual machine disk modes
- about / Virtual machine disk modes
- dependent disk mode / Virtual machine disk modes
- independent disk mode / Virtual machine disk modes
- virtual machine hardware
- upgrading / Upgrading the virtual machine hardware, How it works...
- virtual machine networking
- migrating, to DSwitch / Migrating virtual machine network from vSphere Standard Switch to vSphere Distributed Switch, How to do it..., How it works...
- virtual machine snapshot
- creating / Creating a virtual machine snapshot, How to do it..., How it works...
- deleting / Deleting a virtual machine snapshot, How to do it..., How it works...
- delete operation / Deleting a virtual machine snapshot
- delete all operation / Deleting a virtual machine snapshot
- reverting / Reverting to a current virtual machine snapshot, How it works...
- virtual machine snapshot database (VMSD) / How it works...
- VM
- about / Introduction, Introduction
- configuration file / Files that back a virtual machine
- enhancements, available with vSphere 5.1 / Virtual machine enhancements available with vSphere 5.1
- creating / Creating a virtual machine, How to do it..., Creating virtual machines to host affinity rules
- new hard disk, creating / Creating a new hard disk for a virtual machine, How to do it...
- existing hard disk, adding / Adding an existing hard disk to a virtual machine, How to do it...
- RDM, attaching / Attaching RDM to a virtual machine, How to do it...
- vNIC, mapping to different port group / Mapping a virtual machine's vNIC to a different port group, How to do it...
- new virtual network, adding / Adding a new virtual network adapter to a virtual machine, How to do it...
- virtual machine snapshot, creating / Creating a virtual machine snapshot, How to do it..., How it works...
- virtual machine snapshot, deleting / Deleting a virtual machine snapshot, How to do it..., How it works...
- virtual machine snapshot, reverting / Reverting to a current virtual machine snapshot, How to do it...
- virtual machine snapshot, going to / Going to a virtual machine snapshot, How to do it..., How it works...
- snapshots, consolidating / Consolidating snapshots, How it works...
- exporting / Exporting a virtual machine, How to do it..., How it works...
- configuring, for overriding HA cluster settings / How to do it...
- creating, for hosting affinity rules / Creating virtual machines to host affinity rules, How to do it…
- remediating / Remediating a VM or a VA, How to do it...
- VM-Host Affinity Rules
- about / Creating host and VM DRS groups, Should rules:
- working / How it works…
- must rules / How it works…
- should rules / Should rules:
- vMA
- about / Introduction
- preparing, for first use / Preparing vMA for first use, How to do it…
- configuring, for joining existing domain / Configuring vMA to join an existing domain
- vCenter, adding using AD authentication / Adding vCenter to vMA with AD authentication, How it works…
- vCenter, adding using fastpass authentication / How to do it…, How it works…
- ESXi host, adding / Adding an ESXi host to vMA, How it works…
- vMA appliance
- deploying / Deploying the vMA appliance, How to do it…
- working / How it works…, How it works…
- VM and VA baseline group
- creating / Creating a VM and VA baseline group, How to do it...
- vMA virtual machine
- about / Introduction
- VM components
- about / The virtual machine components
- about / Virtual machine disk provisioning methods
- provisioning methods / Virtual machine disk provisioning methods
- VMDK provisioning methods
- eager zeroed thick provisioning / Virtual machine disk provisioning methods
- lazy zeroed thick provisioning / Virtual machine disk provisioning methods
- about / Introduction
- mounting, on snapshot LUN / Mounting VMFS on a snapshot LUN
- mounting, on snapshot LUN using New Datastore wizard / Using the New Datastore wizard
- mounting, on snapshot LUN using ESXi CLI / Using ESXi CLI, How it works...
- resignaturing, on snapshot LUN / Resignaturing VMFS on a snapshot LUN
- resignaturing, on snapshot LUN using New Datastore wizard / Using the New Datastore wizard
- resignaturing, on snapshot LUN using ESXi CLI / Using ESXi CLI, How it works…
- VMFS-3
- upgrading, to VMFS-5 / Upgrading VMFS-3 to VMFS-5
- upgrading, to VMFS-5 using vSphere Web Client GUI / Upgrading the VMFS using vSphere Web Client GUI
- upgrading, to VMFS-5 using vmkfstools / Upgrading using vmkfstools
- VMFS datastore
- about / Introduction
- creating / Creating a VMFS datastore
- creating, New Datastore wizard used / Using the New Datastore wizard
- creating, vmkfstools used / Using vmkfstools, There's more…
- expanding / Expanding/growing a VMFS datastore
- expanding, Increase Datastore Capacity wizard used / Using the Increase Datastore Capacity wizard
- expanding, vmkfstools used / Using vmkfstools
- extending / Extending a VMFS datastore, How to do it...
- extending, Increase Datastore Capacity wizard used / Using the Increase Datastore Capacity wizard
- extending, vmkfstools used / Using vmkfstools
- unmounting / Unmounting a VMFS datastore
- unmounting, vSphere Web Client GUI used / Using the vSphere Web Client GUI to unmount
- unmounting, esxcli used / Using esxcli to unmount
- mounting / Mounting a VMFS datastore
- mounting, vSphere Web Client UI used / Using the vSphere Web Client UI to mount
- mounting, esxcli used / Using esxcli to mount an unmounted volume
- deleting / Deleting a VMFS datastore, How to do it...
- VM Guest Operating Systems
- about / Installing vSphere Update Manager
- VMkernel interface
- creating on vSS, vSphere Web Client used / Using vSphere Web Client
- creating on vSS, esxcfg-vswitch used / Using esxcfg-vswitch and esxcfg-vmknic
- creating on vSS, esxcfg-vmknic used / Using esxcfg-vswitch and esxcfg-vmknic
- creating, on vDS / Creating a VMkernel interface on a vSphere Distributed Switch, How to do it...
- VMkernel interfaces
- binding, to software iSCSI adapter / Binding VMkernel interfaces to the software iSCSI adapter, How to do it...
- vmkfstools
- used, for creating VMFS datastore / Using vmkfstools
- used, for expanding VMFS datastore / Using vmkfstools
- used, for extending VMFS datastore / Using vmkfstools
- used, for upgrading VMFS / Upgrading using vmkfstools
- about / Introduction
- VM monitoring
- configuring / Configuring VM monitoring, How to do it...
- about / How it works...
- VM overrides
- creating / Configuring a VM to override host monitoring and VM monitoring settings
- VM restart priority
- configuring, for HA cluster / Setting VM restart priority for an HA cluster, How to do it...
- VM storage profile
- creating / Creating a VM storage profile and enabling it, How to do it...
- enabling / How to do it...
- assigning, to VMs / How to do it...
- VMware DPM
- about / Introduction
- VMware EVC
- about / Introduction
- configuring / Configuring VMware EVC (Enhanced vMotion Compatibility), How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- VMware KB article
- URL / Introduction
- reference link / Using the ESXi Console to view the LUN information
- VMware PowerCLI
- configuring, for first use / Preparing VMware PowerCLI for first use, How to do it…, How it works…
- VMware Product Interoperability Matrixes / Preparing a database for vSphere Update Manager
- VMware Tools
- about / Upgrading VMware Tools
- upgrading / How to do it..., How it works..., There's more...
- working / How it works...
- VMware vCenter 5.1 upgrade
- about / Introduction
- performing / Upgrading the vCenter Server
- pre-upgrade checks / Carrying out pre-upgrade checks before performing a vCenter upgrade
- in-place upgrade, performing / Performing an in-place upgrade of vCenter Server
- table space for SSO, creating / Creating a table space for SSO on a SQL instance
- DB users, creating for SSO database / Creating DB users for the SSO database
- 32-bit vCenter Server, upgrading to vCenter 5.1 / Upgrading a 32-bit vCenter Server to vCenter 5.1
- ESXi 5.1, upgrading to / Upgrading to ESXi 5.1
- vSphere Web Client, installing / Installing vSphere Web Client, How to do it...
- VMware Tools, upgrading / Upgrading VMware Tools
- virtual machine hardware, upgrading / Upgrading the virtual machine hardware
- VMware vSphere PowerCLI 5.1 / Introduction
- vNIC
- about / Mapping a virtual machine's vNIC to a different port group
- mapping, to different port group / How to do it...
- vSphere Auto Deploy
- about / Introduction
- vSphere Cluster
- about / Introduction
- vSphere DPM
- about / Configuring vSphere Distributed Power Management (DPM)
- configuring / How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- protocols / How it works…
- operating modes / How it works…
- vSphere DRS
- enabling, on cluster / Enabling vSphere DRS on a cluster, How to do it…
- about / Enabling vSphere DRS on a cluster
- working / How it works…
- DRS automation level, modifying / Choosing a DRS automation level, How it works…
- vSphere Environment / Introduction
- vSphere HA
- about / Introduction
- enabling, on cluster / Enabling vSphere HA on a cluster, How to do it...
- host isolation response setting / Setting host isolation response for an HA cluster
- VM restart priority, configuring / Setting VM restart priority for an HA cluster
- VM monitoring, configuring / Configuring VM monitoring, How to do it...
- datastore heartbeating, configuring / Configuring datastore heartbeating, How to do it..., How it works...
- host monitoring, disabling / Disabling host monitoring
- vSphere HA admission control
- configuring / Configuring vSphere HA admission control, How to do it...
- methods / Configuring vSphere HA admission control
- working / How it works...
- vSphere installation guide
- reference link / There's more...
- vSphere network
- preparing, for iSCSI multipathing / Preparing the vSphere network for iSCSI multipathing, How to do it...
- vSphere networking
- basic switching constructs / Introduction
- vSphere Update Manager
- database, preparing for / Preparing a database for vSphere Update Manager, How to do it...
- Sizing Estimator / See also
- installing / Installing vSphere Update Manager, How to do it..., How it works...
- download source, adding / Adding a download source, How to do it..., How it works...
- baseline, creating / Creating a baseline, How to do it...
- ESXi Images, importing / Importing ESXi Images, How it works...
- host baseline group, creating / Creating a host baseline group, How to do it...
- VM and VA Baseline groups, creating / Creating a VM and VA baseline group, How to do it...
- ESXi server or host, remediating / Remediating a host or a cluster, How to do it..., How it works...
- vSphere Update Manager plugin
- installing / Installing the vSphere Update Manager plugin, How to do it...
- vSphere Web Client
- about / vSphere Web Client, Installing vSphere Web Client
- installing / How to do it...
- syntax / There's more...
- URL / There's more...
- used, for viewing LUN / Using the vSphere Web Client to view LUNs
- used, for viewing datastore / Using the vSphere Web Client to view LUNs
- used, for viewing multipathing information of LUN / Using the vSphere Web Client GUI
- used, for unmounting VMFS datastore / Using the vSphere Web Client GUI to unmount
- used, for mounting VMFS datastore / Using the vSphere Web Client UI to mount
- used, for upgrading VMFS / Upgrading the VMFS using vSphere Web Client GUI
- vSphere Web Client interface / How to do it…
- vSS
- about / Introduction
- creating / Creating a vSphere Standard Switch
- creating, vSphere Web Client used / Using vSphere Web Client
- creating, esxcfg-vswitch used / Using esxcfg-vswitch
- deleting / Deleting a vSphere Standard Switch
- deleting, vSphere Web Client used / Using the vSphere Web Client
- deleting, esxcfg-vswitch used / Using esxcfg-vswitch
- VMkernel interface, creating / Creating a VMkernel interface on a vSphere Standard Switch, How to do it...
- uplink, adding / Adding an uplink to a vSphere Standard Switch, How to do it...
- uplink, adding using vSphere Web Client / Using vSphere Web Client
- uplink, adding using esxcfg-vswitch / Using esxcfg-vswitch
- vSwitches
- about / Creating a vSphere Standard Switch
- WinAgents TFTP server manager / Configuring a TFTP server with Auto Deploy files