Chapter 3. Wireless Projects
In this chapter, several wireless projects that use Banana Pro are presented. The OpenVPN server allows connecting from the Internet to Banana Pro at home using a secure channel. In doing so, Banana Pro can act as a gateway that allows the control of home equipment while travelling.
The next section deals with wireless connections. You will learn how to use Banana Pro in order to connect to a wireless LAN. Moreover, Banana Pro can even serve as a wireless hotspot. You will also learn how this hotspot can be enabled, and how hotspot traffic can be routed through the Internet.
Did you ever want to use your printer in order to print pages from a mobile phone? The On air section explains how any available printer can be used as an AirPrint device by simply connecting it to a Banana Pro or a Banana Pro accessible network. The same applies to AirPlay: Banana Pro can be connected to audio equipment, allowing wireless transmission of audio files from a mobile...