When Packt asked me to write this book, we had in mind something more modest than the book that you have today. While I was writing, I realized how many books can be found on the shelves that teach the basics without giving any practical insight on how to use that knowledge to actually make a game. Therefore, I slightly deviated the course of this book. As a result, it has changed into a somewhat solid manual about Unity, with a particular focus on 2D game development. The book that you are holding in your hands (either hard copy or on your tablet) is the outcome of a lot of effort trying to create something that is easy for the readers to understand, without sacrificing completeness or practical use of the different tools learned. Thus, everything is explained in detail, along with many examples of usage.
Also, I felt that another big deficiency of many books is the lack of Homework sections that provide the reader with exercises to improve her/his skills. In fact, I believe that these sections are important, since they provide a common ground in case you want to challenge yourself and take the discussion beyond the book with your friends, course mates, or colleagues. In the field of game development, it's important to collaborate, because a game is often the result of the coordinate efforts of many talented and passionate people.
For this book, I decided to support the learning of the different tools we will face by building a tower defense game on the joyful and sugary theme of cupcakes, sprinkles, and sweet-toothed pandas who will try to bite the delicious player's cake. This project will guide the reader through the book, and help her/him to develop a practical skillset as well.
Whoever you are, a hungry student of knowledge, a professor looking for a book to adopt in your classes, an expert in game development trying out Unity (or willing to extend your understanding of Unity), or just a passionate hobbyist, I hope you will enjoy this book.