- The official Behavior Bricks project page from the Complutense University of Madrid in Spain http://gaia.fdi.ucm.es/research/bb/
- Behavior Bricks official documentation: http://bb.padaonegames.com/doku.php
- Chris Simpson (the developer of Project Zomboid) wrote a nice explanation of BTs on Gamasutra: https://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/ChrisSimpson/20140717/221339/Behavior_trees_for_AI_How_they_work.php.
- Chapter 6 of GameAI Pro, which explores many implementation details of BTs (in C++), is free and available at the following link: https://www.gameaipro.com/GameAIPro/GameAIPro_Chapter06_The_Behavior_Tree_Starter_Kit.pdf.