Downloading Godot
You can download the latest version of Godot by visiting and clicking Download Latest. This book is written for version 4.0. If the version you download has another number at the end (such as 4.0.3), that’s fine – this just means that it includes updates to version 4.0 that fix bugs or other issues.
On the download page, you will also see a standard version and a .NET version. The .NET version is specially built to be used with the C# programming language. Don’t download this one unless you plan to use C# with Godot. The projects in this book do not use C#.

Figure 1.1: The Godot download page
Unzip the downloaded file, and you’ll have the Godot application. Optionally, you can drag it to your Programs
or Applications
folder, if you have one. Double-click the application to launch it and you’ll see Godot’s Project Manager window, which you’ll learn about in the...