Why use Julia?
Programming in Julia sometimes seems too good to be true. As it has been implemented in the last few years, many of the recent ideas in computer science design have been incorporated into the language and the developers have not been afraid to modify Julia’s structure and syntax on the run-up to version 1.0, even though this has led to deprecations and breaking changes.
We have pointed out previously that Julia creates executable code from scripts without a separate compilation step and this results in runtimes in the same order as those of C, Fortran, Java, and so on; however, in my opinion, that is not the main reason to use Julia. In this section, we will look at the other factors that make it a must-see for any programmer, analyst, and data scientist.
Julia is easy to learn
Writing simple code in Julia will be almost immediate for anyone with a grounding in Python, R, C, and so on, as this book will show.
As mentioned previously, the syntax is...