- abc module
- about / The abc module
- abstract base class (ABC)
- about / The __new__() method and metaclasses, Abstract base classes
- features / Abstract base classes
- using / Abstract base classes
- of collection / ABCs of collections
- access layer
- designing, for shelve / Designing an access layer for shelve
- demonstration script, writing / Writing a demonstration script
- designing, for SQLite / Designing an access layer for SQLite
- ACID properties
- about / The ACID properties, SQL transactions and the ACID properties, The REST protocol and ACID
- additional operators
- special methods, implementing / Implementing other special methods
- advanced logging
- automatic tail buffer, building / Building an automatic tail buffer
- logging messages, sending to remote process / Sending logging messages to a remote process
- queue overrun, preventing / Preventing queue overrun
- ALTER statement
- about / Schema evolution
- about / Aspect-oriented programming
- AOP, features
- decorator / Aspect-oriented programming
- mixin / Aspect-oriented programming
- Apache httpd / Implementing a REST server – WSGI and mod_wsgi, Creating a simple REST application and server
- append() method
- about / Choosing eager versus lazy calculation
- application
- behaviors / Using the warnings module
- application code
- organizing, into src directory / Organizing code into src, bin, and test
- organizing, into bin directory / Organizing code into src, bin, and test
- organizing, into test directory / Organizing code into src, bin, and test
- application configuration
- design patterns / Application configuration design patterns
- via object construction / Configuring via object construction
- design patterns, global property map / Creating a top-level main() function
- design patterns, object construction / Creating a top-level main() function
- application data
- processing, with SQL / Processing application data with SQL
- application processing
- about / Designing an access layer for shelve
- application tier
- application processing / Designing an access layer for shelve
- problem domain data model / Designing an access layer for shelve
- argparse
- used, for parsing command line / Parsing the command line with argparse
- arguments, command line
- about / Arguments and options
- arithmetic operator
- special method / The arithmetic operator's special methods
- binary operator / The arithmetic operator's special methods
- unary operator / The arithmetic operator's special methods
- atomicity
- about / The ACID properties
- attribute
- processing / Basic attribute processing
- creating, with __init__() method / Attributes and the __init__() method
- differentiating, with property / Creating properties
- eagerly computed attribute / Eagerly computed attributes
- attribute access
- about /
- __setattr__() method / Using special methods for attribute access
- __getattr__() method / Using special methods for attribute access
- __delattr__() method / Using special methods for attribute access
- __dir__() method / Using special methods for attribute access
- attribute descriptor
- about / Creating descriptors
- attribute values, testing
- black box perspective / Creating simple unit tests
- white box perspective / Creating simple unit tests
- auditability / Aspect-oriented programming
- audit log
- creating / Creating audit and security logs
- automated application testing
- about / Defining and isolating units for testing
- automated performance testing
- about / Defining and isolating units for testing, Automated integration or performance testing
- automated unit testing
- about / Defining and isolating units for testing
- dependencies, minimizing / Minimizing the dependencies
- simple unit tests, creating / Creating simple unit tests
- test suite, creating / Creating a test suite
- test cases, including / Including edge and corner cases
- dependencies, mocking / Mocking dependencies for testing
- dependencies, integrating / Mocking dependencies for testing
- mocks, using / Using more mocks to test more behaviors
- automatic tail buffer
- building / Building an automatic tail buffer
- bag
- about / Using the standard library extensions
- base class object
- about / The base class object __init__() method
- before image design pattern / Multiple layers of REST services
- binary arithmetic operator
- about / The arithmetic operator's special methods
- defining / Defining FixedPoint binary arithmetic operators
- binary tree set
- about / Demonstrating the binary tree set
- bin directory
- application code, organizing into / Organizing code into src, bin, and test
- black box testing
- about / Creating simple unit tests
- reference link / Creating simple unit tests
- Blackjack
- about / About casino Blackjack
- overview / About casino Blackjack
- game mechanics / Playing the game
- player strategies / Blackjack player strategies
- simulating, with object design / Object design for simulating Blackjack
- additional class, defining / Some additional class definitions
- new features, designing / Programming In The Large
- new features, packaging / Programming In The Large
- command classes, designing / Designing command classes
- command classes, design issues / Designing command classes
- analysis command subclass, adding / Adding the analysis command subclass
- more features, adding / Adding and packaging more features into an application
- more features, packaging / Adding and packaging more features into an application
- higher-level command, designing / Designing a higher-level composite command
- composite command, designing / Designing a higher-level composite command
- about / Mapping Python objects to SQLite BLOB columns
- block of text, RST markup / Blocks of text
- blog
- rendering, into RST / Rendering a blog and posts
- built-in decorator
- using / Using built-in decorators
- @staticmethod decorator / Using built-in decorators
- @property decorator / Using built-in decorators
- @classmethod decorator / Using built-in decorators
- @classmethod decorator
- about / Using built-in decorators
- caching
- using / Using memoization or caching
- callable API
- about / Aiming for simplicity using the callable API
- complexities / Complexities and the callable API
- callable object / Callables
- creating / Designing with ABC callables
- performance, improving / Improving performance
- memoization, using / Using memoization or caching
- callable API / Aiming for simplicity using the callable API
- design considerations / Callable design considerations and trade-offs
- using, for WSGI application / Using Callable classes for WSGI applications
- RESTful object identifier, designing / Designing RESTful object identifiers
- multilayered REST server / Multiple layers of REST services
- roulette server, creating / Creating the roulette server
- roulette client, creating / Creating the roulette client
- callables
- about /
- creating / Callables
- card() factory / Mocking dependencies for testing
- Card class / Mocking dependencies for testing
- ChainMap
- about / The ChainMap use case
- using, for overrides / Using ChainMap for defaults and overrides
- using, for defaults / Using ChainMap for defaults and overrides
- circular reference
- with __del__() method / Circular references and garbage collection, Circular references and the weakref module
- class
- about / Class and meaning, Understanding persistence, class, state, and representation
- constructing / Constructing the class
- design principles / Some class design principles
- method function, adding / Adding method functions to a class
- defining, for persistence / Defining classes to support persistence
- blog, rendering / Rendering a blog and posts
- designing, for pickle processing / Designing a class for reliable pickle processing
- designing, with simple key / Designing a class with a simple key
- designing, for container / Designing classes for containers or collections
- versus module / Module versus class
- class-level logger
- creating / Creating a shared class-level logger
- class decorator
- creating / Creating a class decorator
- class definition
- about / Understanding persistence, class, state, and representation
- class docstring
- writing / Writing class and method function docstrings
- class objects
- using / Simplicity using mapping and class objects
- clone method
- about / Multi-strategy __init__()
- close() method
- about / The __del__() and close() methods
- coarse granularity / Generating surrogate keys for objects
- collection
- wrapping / Wrapping a collection class
- extending / Extending a collection class
- inventing / More requirements and another design
- creating / Containers and collections, Creating new kinds of collections
- abstract base class (ABC) / ABCs of collections
- special methods, examples / Examples of special methods
- Extend design strategy / Creating new kinds of collections
- Wrap design strategy / Creating new kinds of collections
- Invent design strategy / Creating new kinds of collections
- sequence, defining / Defining a new kind of sequence
- mapping, creating / Creating a new kind of mapping
- set, creating / Creating a new kind of set
- collection objects
- about / The __repr__() and __str__() methods
- collections
- about /
- columns
- about / The SQL data model – rows and tables
- command-line options
- and environment variables, integrating / Integrating command-line options and environment variables
- environment variables, overriding with / Integrating command-line options and environment variables
- command line
- about / The OS interface and the command line
- arguments / Arguments and options
- options / Arguments and options
- parsing, with argparse / Parsing the command line with argparse
- defining, patterns / Parsing the command line with argparse
- simple on-off option, defining / A simple on/off option
- option, defining with argument / An option with an argument
- positional argument, defining / Positional arguments
- other arguments, defining / All other arguments
- --version display and exit option / --version display and exit
- --help display and exit option / --help display and exit
- Common Log Format / Managing contexts and the with statement
- comparison operator
- implementing / Implementing FixedPoint comparison operators
- comparison operators
- about / The comparison operator methods
- special methods / The comparison operator methods
- defining, considerations / Designing comparisons
- defining / Designing comparisons
- implementing, for same class objects / Implementation of comparison for objects of the same class
- implementing, for mixed class objects / Implementation of comparison for objects of mixed classes
- mixed class comparison, performing / Hard totals, soft totals, and polymorphism
- mixed class comparison example / A mixed class comparison example
- complex composite object
- about / Complex composite objects
- initialization / Complete composite object initialization
- composite command
- additional design patterns / Additional composite command design patterns
- composite key
- about / Designing keys for our objects
- computability_theory
- URL, for articles / ABCs of numbers
- conceptual model
- about / SQL databases, persistence, and objects
- conditional script module
- about / Some module design patterns
- configuration, Gotcha / Configuration gotcha
- configuration, logging
- about / Configuring the loggers
- configuration file
- hierarchy / Implementing a configuration hierarchy
- configuration files
- use cases / Configuration file use cases
- representation / Representation, persistence, state, and usability
- persistence / Representation, persistence, state, and usability
- state / Representation, persistence, state, and usability
- usability / Representation, persistence, state, and usability
- hierarchy / Implementing a configuration hierarchy
- storing, in INI files / Storing the configuration in the INI files
- storing, in PY files / Storing the configuration in PY files
- storing, in JSON/YAML files / Storing the configuration in JSON or YAML files
- storing, in property files / Storing the configuration in property files
- storing, in XML files / Storing the configuration in XML files – PLIST and others
- incorporating, with environment variables / Providing more configurable defaults
- overriding, with environment variables / Overriding configuration file settings with environment variables
- environment variables, overriding with / Overriding environment variables with the configuration files
- connect() function
- about / The SQL data model – rows and tables
- consistency
- about / The ACID properties
- constructor
- about / Extending the YAML representation
- container
- about / Simple composite objects
- creating / Containers and collections
- handling, in CSV / Handling containers and complex classes
- Container class / ABCs of collections
- context
- about / Contexts and context managers
- managing / Managing contexts and the with statement
- defining, by with statement / Managing contexts and the with statement
- decimal context, using / Using the decimal context
- other contexts / Other contexts
- context manager
- about / Contexts and context managers, Managing contexts and the with statement
- creating / Context manager as a factory
- cleaning up / Cleaning up in a context manager
- design considerations / Context manager design considerations and trade-offs
- context manager mixin class
- using / Using the context manager mixin class
- contexts
- about /
- Counter
- about / The counter collection
- cross-cutting concern
- about / Aspect-oriented programming
- wiki reference / Aspect-oriented programming
- examples / Aspect-oriented programming
- cross-references
- providing, with RST markup / More sophisticated markup techniques
- implicit references / More sophisticated markup techniques
- explicit references / More sophisticated markup techniques
- inter-document references / More sophisticated markup techniques
- creating, in Sphinx / Creating the Sphinx cross-references
- CRUD operations
- designing, for shelvable objects / Designing CRUD operations for complex objects
- via DML statements / CRUD processing via SQL DML statements
- implementing, via REST / Implementing CRUD operations via REST
- dumping with / Dumping and loading with CSV
- loading with / Dumping and loading with CSV
- simple sequence, dumping to / Dumping simple sequences to CSV
- simple sequence, loading from / Loading simple sequences from CSV
- container, handling / Handling containers and complex classes
- complex class, handling / Handling containers and complex classes
- CSV file
- multiple row type, loading / Dumping and loading multiple row types in a CSV file
- multiple row type, dumping / Dumping and loading multiple row types in a CSV file
- joined rows, dumping / Dumping and loading joined rows in a CSV file
- joined rows, loading / Dumping and loading joined rows in a CSV file
- CSV rows
- filtering, with iterator / Filtering CSV rows with an iterator
- CSV writer
- creating / Dumping simple sequences to CSV
- customized XML configuration files
- about / Customized XML configuration files
- database
- setup/teardown, using with / Using setup and teardown with databases
- data descriptor
- about / Creating descriptors
- using / Using a data descriptor
- data modeling, SQL database
- conceptual model / SQL databases, persistence, and objects
- logical model / SQL databases, persistence, and objects
- physical model / SQL databases, persistence, and objects
- data tier, feature
- access / Designing an access layer for shelve
- persistence / Designing an access layer for shelve
- date string
- standardizing / Standardizing the date string
- about / The SQL data model – rows and tables
- about / The SQL data model – rows and tables
- debugging log
- creating / Creating a debugging log
- decimal context
- using / Using the decimal context
- declarative base class
- about / Designing ORM-friendly classes
- decorator
- used, for constructing function / Constructing the functions
- about / Aspect-oriented programming
- built-in decorator / Using built-in decorators
- standard library decorator, using / Using standard library decorators
- parameterizing / Parameterizing a decorator
- using, for security / Using decorators for security
- decorator function
- about / Writing a simple function decorator
- logger, creating / Creating separate loggers
- defaultdict subclass
- about / The defaultdict subclass
- def statement
- about / Constructing the functions
- used, for constructing function / Constructing the functions
- delegating
- about / Wrapping a list and delegating
- deleter property
- about / Setter and deleter properties
- DELETE statement
- about / CRUD processing via SQL DML statements
- demonstration script
- writing, for access layer / Writing a demonstration script
- dependencies, automated unit testing
- minimizing / Minimizing the dependencies
- mocking / Mocking dependencies for testing
- integrating / Mocking dependencies for testing
- deque class
- about / The deque class
- descriptor
- about / Creating descriptors
- creating / Creating descriptors
- nondata descriptor / Creating descriptors
- data descriptor / Creating descriptors
- nondata descriptor, using / Using a nondata descriptor
- data descriptor, using / Using a data descriptor
- descriptor, design pattern
- owner class / Creating descriptors
- attribute descriptor / Creating descriptors
- Descriptor.__delete__( self, instance ) / Creating descriptors
- Descriptor.__get__( self, instance, owner ) / Creating descriptors
- Descriptor.__set__( self, instance, value ) / Creating descriptors
- descriptor object
- about / Creating descriptors
- design patterns, application configuration
- global property map / Application configuration design patterns
- object construction / Application configuration design patterns
- design patterns, module
- pure library module / Some module design patterns
- main script module / Some module design patterns
- conditional script module / Some module design patterns
- Divide and Conquer design strategy / Improving performance
- about / The SQL data model – rows and tables
- DML statements
- used, for CRUD operations / CRUD processing via SQL DML statements
- doc directory / Testing – unittest and doctest
- docstring
- about / Docstrings – RST markup and documentation tools
- RST markup / Docstrings – RST markup and documentation tools
- documentation tool / Docstrings – RST markup and documentation tools
- writing, for help() function / Writing docstrings for the help() function
- docstrings
- writing, best practices / Writing effective docstrings
- writing, for files / Writing effective docstrings
- writing, for classes / Writing effective docstrings
- writing, for functions / Writing effective docstrings
- doctest
- about / Testing – unittest and doctest
- used, for defining test cases / Using doctest to define test cases
- and unittest, combining / Combining doctest and unittest
- documentation
- producing, pydoc used / Using pydoc for documentation
- creating, with RST markup / Better output via the RST markup
- producing, Sphinx used / Using Sphinx to produce the documentation
- writing, for software quality / Writing the documentation
- documentation tool
- about / Docstrings – RST markup and documentation tools
- Document Object Model (DOM) / Dumping and loading with XML
- Document Type Definition (DTD) / Dumping and loading with XML
- docutils
- URL / Better output via the RST markup
- Dont Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle / Implementing __init__() in each subclass
- doubling down
- about / Playing the game
- duck typing
- about / Initialization with type validation
- dump
- about / Common Python terminologies
- dump(object, file) method / Common Python terminologies
- dumping
- with JSON / Dumping and loading with JSON
- with YAML / Dumping and loading with YAML
- with pickle / Dumping and loading with pickle
- with CSV / Dumping and loading with CSV
- dumps(object) method / Common Python terminologies
- durability
- about / The ACID properties
- eager calculation
- about / Creating properties
- versus lazy calculation, selecting / Choosing eager versus lazy calculation
- eagerly computed attribute
- about / Eagerly computed attributes
- eagerly computed property
- about / Eagerly computed properties
- elif sequence
- about / Simplicity and consistency using elif sequences
- encapsulation
- about / Initialization, encapsulation, and privacy
- encode function
- refactoring / Refactoring the encode function
- environment variables
- and command-line options, integrating / Integrating command-line options and environment variables
- overriding, with command-line options / Integrating command-line options and environment variables
- configuration files, incorporating with / Providing more configurable defaults
- configuration files, overriding with / Overriding configuration file settings with environment variables
- overriding, with configuration files / Overriding environment variables with the configuration files
- with None value / Making the configuration aware of the None values
- epydoc
- about / Docstrings – RST markup and documentation tools
- equality comparison, tiers
- Same Hash Value / Deciding what to hash
- Compare As Equal / Deciding what to hash
- Same IDD / Deciding what to hash
- eval() function
- about / The security and the eval() issue
- eval() variants
- used, for handling literals / Handling more literals via the eval() variants
- Evil Genius Programmer (EGP)
- about / The security and the eval() issue
- Exact Match Principle / Using doctest to define test cases
- exception handling / Handling exceptions
- exec() function
- used, for application configuration / Using Python with exec() for the configuration
- benefits / Why is exec() a nonproblem?
- executable script file
- creating / Creating an executable script file
- explicit checking / Implementation of comparison for objects of the same class
- explicit references / More sophisticated markup techniques
- extend() method
- about / Choosing eager versus lazy calculation
- Facade
- about / Some design rationale
- Facade design pattern / Simple composite objects
- factory function
- used, for leveraging __init__() method / Leveraging __init__() via a factory function
- vague else / Faulty factory design and the vague else clause
- elif sequence / Simplicity and consistency using elif sequences
- mapping / Simplicity using mapping and class objects
- class objects, using / Simplicity using mapping and class objects
- file-level docstrings
- writing / Writing file-level docstrings, including modules and packages
- API details, writing with RST markup / Writing API details in RST markup
- method function docstring, writing / Writing class and method function docstrings
- class docstring, writing / Writing class and method function docstrings
- function docstring, writing / Writing function docstrings
- filesystem
- about / Filesystem and network considerations
- fine granularity / Generating surrogate keys for objects
- First Normal Form / Dumping simple sequences to CSV
- FixedPoint class
- creating / Creating a numeric class
- initialization / Defining FixedPoint initialization
- binary arithmetic operator, defining / Defining FixedPoint binary arithmetic operators
- unary arithmetic operator, defining / Defining FixedPoint unary arithmetic operators
- reflected operator, implementing / Implementing FixedPoint reflected operators
- comparison operator, implementing / Implementing FixedPoint comparison operators
- flattened JSON configuration
- using / Using flattened JSON configurations
- Flyweight design pattern
- about / Stateless objects without __init__(), Metaclass example 2 – self-reference
- foreign key / Designing classes for containers or collections
- used, for referring shelvable object / Referring to objects via foreign keys
- designing / Designing primary and foreign database keys
- format() method
- about / The __repr__() and __str__() methods
- formatting options, YAML representation
- explicit_start / Formatting YAML data on a file
- explicit_end / Formatting YAML data on a file
- version / Formatting YAML data on a file
- tags / Formatting YAML data on a file
- canonical / Formatting YAML data on a file
- indent / Formatting YAML data on a file
- width / Formatting YAML data on a file
- allow_unicode / Formatting YAML data on a file
- line_break / Formatting YAML data on a file
- function
- constructing, with def statement / Constructing the functions
- constructing, with decorator / Constructing the functions
- function docstring
- writing / Writing function docstrings
- functools
- using, for memoization / Using functools for memoization
- Fundamental Law of Hash (FLH) / Deciding what to hash
- garbage collection
- about / Circular references and garbage collection
- global property map
- about / Application configuration design patterns
- Gotcha
- configuration / Configuration gotcha
- granularity / Designing classes for containers or collections
- --help display and exit option / --help display and exit
- handlers
- defining, for multiple destination / Defining handlers for multiple destinations
- hard total
- about / Hard totals, soft totals, and polymorphism
- hash
- considerations / Deciding what to hash
- Hashable class / ABCs of collections
- help() function / Initialization, encapsulation, and privacy
- docstring, writing for / Writing docstrings for the help() function
- help output
- customizing / Customizing the help output
- about / Using HTTP and REST to transmit objects
- used, for transmitting objects / Using HTTP and REST to transmit objects
- common question / The IDE question
- immutable object
- about / The __hash__() method, Deciding what to hash
- definition, inheriting / Inheriting definitions for immutable objects
- definition, overriding / Overriding definitions for immutable objects
- initializing, __new__() method used / The __new__() method and immutable objects
- creating, with __slots__ / Creating immutable objects with __slots__
- creating, as tuple subclass / Creating immutable objects as a tuple subclass
- impedance mismatch / Dumping and loading with CSV
- implementation document
- writing, with Sphinx / Writing the implementation document
- implicit checking / Implementation of comparison for objects of the same class
- implicit references / More sophisticated markup techniques
- implicit superclass
- about / The implicit superclass – object
- in-place operator
- optimizing / Optimization with the in-place operators
- index
- creating / Creating indexes to improve efficiency
- top-level indices, creating / Creating top-level indices
- maintenance aspect / Adding yet more index maintenance
- used, for improving SQLite performance / Improving performance with indices, Improving performance with indices
- INI files
- reference link / Storing the configuration in the INI files
- configuration files, storing in / Storing the configuration in the INI files
- initialization, complex composite object / Complete composite object initialization
- initialization, FixedPoint class / Defining FixedPoint initialization
- insert() method
- about / Choosing eager versus lazy calculation
- INSERT statement
- about / CRUD processing via SQL DML statements
- installation, module / Installing Python modules
- inter-document references / More sophisticated markup techniques
- isolation
- about / The ACID properties
- isolation level
- about / SQL transactions and the ACID properties
- None mode / SQL transactions and the ACID properties
- autocommit mode / SQL transactions and the ACID properties
- DEFERRED mode / SQL transactions and the ACID properties
- IMMEDIATE mode / SQL transactions and the ACID properties
- EXCLUSIVE mode / SQL transactions and the ACID properties
- Iterable class / ABCs of collections
- iterator
- about / The iterator abstraction
- used, for filtering CSV rows / Filtering CSV rows with an iterator
- iterators
- about /
- creating, with __iter__() method / Creating iterators with __iter__()
- Jinja2
- URL / Rendering a blog and posts
- about / Dumping and loading with JSON
- URL / Dumping and loading with JSON
- loading with / Dumping and loading with JSON
- dumping with / Dumping and loading with JSON
- supporting, in class / Supporting JSON in our classes
- eval() function / The security and the eval() issue
- security / The security and the eval() issue
- encode function, refactoring / Refactoring the encode function
- date string, standardizing / Standardizing the date string
- JSON/YAML files
- configuration files, storing in / Storing the configuration in JSON or YAML files
- flattened JSON configuration, using / Using flattened JSON configurations
- YAML configuration, loading / Loading a YAML configuration
- JSON decoding
- customizing / Customizing JSON decoding
- JSON encoding
- customizing / Customizing JSON encoding
- JSON file
- writing / Writing JSON to a file
- JSON representation
- drawbacks / Dumping and loading with JSON
- keys
- designing, for shelvable object / Designing keys for our objects
- composite key / Designing keys for our objects
- surrogate key / Designing keys for our objects
- lambda / Designing with ABC callables
- lazy calculation
- about / Creating properties
- versus eager calculation, selecting / Choosing eager versus lazy calculation
- Least Recently Used (LRU) / Using functools for memoization
- Liskov Substitution Principle
- about / Base classes and polymorphism
- list
- wrapping / Wrapping a list and delegating
- literals
- handling, via eval() variants / Handling more literals via the eval() variants
- literate programming
- about / Literate programming
- URL / Literate programming
- creating, goals / Use cases for literate programming
- use cases / Use cases for literate programming
- literate programming tool
- working with / Working with a literate programming tool
- load
- about / Common Python terminologies
- load(file) method / Common Python terminologies
- loading
- with JSON / Dumping and loading with JSON
- with YAML / Dumping and loading with YAML
- with pickle / Dumping and loading with pickle
- with CSV / Dumping and loading with CSV
- loads(string) method / Common Python terminologies
- logger
- creating, for decorator function / Creating separate loggers
- loggers, use cases
- module names / Naming the loggers
- object instances / Naming the loggers
- class names / Naming the loggers
- function names / Naming the loggers
- logging / Aspect-oriented programming
- creating / Creating a basic log
- shared class-level logger, creating / Creating a shared class-level logger
- configuring / Configuring the loggers
- starting up / Starting up and shutting down the logging system
- shutting down / Starting up and shutting down the logging system
- loggers, naming / Naming the loggers
- logger level, extending / Extending the logger levels
- handlers, defining for multiple destination / Defining handlers for multiple destinations
- propagation rules, managing / Managing the propagation rules
- for errors/control / Specializing logging for control, debug, audit, and security
- for debugging / Specializing logging for control, debug, audit, and security
- for audit / Specializing logging for control, debug, audit, and security
- for security / Specializing logging for control, debug, audit, and security
- debugging log, creating / Creating a debugging log
- audit log, creating / Creating audit and security logs
- security log, creating / Creating audit and security logs
- advanced logging / Advanced logging – the last few messages and network destinations
- logging messages
- sending, to remote process / Sending logging messages to a remote process
- logical model
- about / SQL databases, persistence, and objects
- login_required decorator / Using decorators for security
- long-running application
- designing / Designing long-running applications
- robust requirement / Designing long-running applications
- auditable requirement / Designing long-running applications
- debuggable requirement / Designing long-running applications
- configurable requirement / Designing long-running applications
- controllable requirement / Designing long-running applications
- main script module
- about / Some module design patterns
- designing / Designing a main script and the __main__ module
- executable script file, creating / Creating an executable script file
- __main__ module, creating / Creating a __main__ module
- programming, in complex application / Programming in the large
- manifest constant
- creating, __init__() method used / Using __init__() to create manifest constants
- Man In The Middle attack
- about / The security and the eval() issue
- manual mapping
- about / SQL databases, persistence, and objects
- Many-to-many relationship
- about / Designing primary and foreign database keys
- Many-to-One relationship
- about / Designing primary and foreign database keys
- mapping
- using / Simplicity using mapping and class objects
- two parallel mapping / Two parallel mappings
- performing, on two-tuple / Mapping to a tuple of values
- partial() function / The partial function solution
- fluent API / Fluent APIs for factories
- creating / Creating a new kind of mapping
- common strategies / SQL databases, persistence, and objects
- Martingale betting system / Complexities and the callable API
- memento() method function / Adding method functions to a class
- memento design pattern / Multiple layers of REST services
- memoization
- using / Using memoization or caching
- functools, using / Using functools for memoization
- message queue
- used, for transmitting objects / Using a message queue to transmit objects
- processes, defining / Defining processes
- building / Building queues and supplying data
- data, supplying / Building queues and supplying data
- metaclass
- about / The __new__() method and metaclasses
- usage / The __new__() method and metaclasses
- creating, with ordered attributes / Metaclass example 1 – ordered attributes
- creating, with self reference / Metaclass example 2 – self-reference
- method function
- adding, to class / Adding method functions to a class
- method function decorator
- creating / Creating a method function decorator
- method function docstring
- writing / Writing class and method function docstrings
- Method Resolution Order (MRO)
- about / Constructing the class
- mixin
- about / Defining the __enter__() and __exit__() methods, Aspect-oriented programming
- mocks
- using, for automated unit testing / Using more mocks to test more behaviors
- mode
- about / The counter collection
- module
- about / Designing a module
- designing / Designing a module
- design patterns / Some module design patterns
- versus class / Module versus class
- organization / The expected content of a module
- installing / Installing Python modules
- module-package hybrid
- designing / Designing a module-package hybrid
- module item
- about / Whole module versus module items
- versus whole module / Whole module versus module items
- multi-strategy __init__() method
- about / Multi-strategy __init__()
- initialization / More complex initialization alternatives
- static method, initialization / Initializing static methods
- multilayered REST server
- creating / Multiple layers of REST services
- multiset
- about / Using the standard library extensions
- mutable object
- about / Deciding what to hash
- definition, overriding / Overriding definitions for mutable objects
- myproject directory / Testing – unittest and doctest
- namedtuple() function
- about / The namedtuple() function
- nested configuration contexts
- managing / Managing nested configuration contexts
- network consideration
- about / Filesystem and network considerations
- nginx / Implementing a REST server – WSGI and mod_wsgi
- no mapping
- about / SQL databases, persistence, and objects
- non-collection objects
- about / The __repr__() and __str__() methods
- non-CRUD operations
- implementing, via REST / Implementing non-CRUD operations
- nondata descriptor
- about / Creating descriptors
- using / Using a nondata descriptor
- numbers
- about / ABCs of numbers
- creating / Numbers
- abstract class, defining / ABCs of numbers
- numeric type conversion / ABCs of numbers
- numeric type selection / Deciding which types to use
- reflected operator / The method resolution and the reflected operator concept
- method resolution / The method resolution and the reflected operator concept
- design considerations / Design considerations and trade-offs
- number_theory
- URL, for articles / ABCs of numbers
- numeric hash
- computing / Computing a numeric hash
- object
- relating, to class / Class and meaning
- dumping, with XML / Dumping and loading with XML
- loading, with XML / Dumping and loading with XML
- dumping, string template used / Dumping objects using string templates
- dumping, xml.etree.ElementTree used / Dumping objects with xml.etree.ElementTree
- mapping, to SQLite BLOB columns / Mapping Python objects to SQLite BLOB columns
- mapping, to SQL database rows / Mapping Python objects to database rows manually
- access layer, designing for SQLite / Designing an access layer for SQLite
- container relationships, implementing / Implementing container relationships
- manipulating, with ORM layer / Manipulating objects with the ORM layer
- object-relational management (ORM)
- about /
- Object-Relational Mapping
- about / SQL databases, persistence, and objects
- object construction
- about / Application configuration design patterns, Creating a top-level main() function
- for application configuration / Configuring via object construction
- object design
- for simulating Blackjack / Object design for simulating Blackjack
- One-to-many relationship
- about / Designing primary and foreign database keys
- One-to-one relationship
- about / Designing primary and foreign database keys
- options, command line
- about / Arguments and options
- defining, with argument / An option with an argument
- OrderedDict collection
- about / The OrderedDict collection
- organization, module / The expected content of a module
- ORM layer
- about / SQL databases, persistence, and objects
- adding / Adding an ORM layer
- class, designing / Designing ORM-friendly classes
- schema, building / Building the schema with the ORM layer
- object, manipulating / Manipulating objects with the ORM layer
- about / The OS interface and the command line
- OS resources
- setup/teardown, using with / Using setup and teardown with OS resources
- other abstract base class (ABC)
- iterator / The iterator abstraction
- context manager / Contexts and context managers
- context / Contexts and context managers
- owner class
- about / Creating descriptors
- owner instance
- about / Creating descriptors
- .pyc file / Designing a module
- .py file / Designing a module
- .pyo file / Designing a module
- @property decorator
- about / Creating properties, Using built-in decorators
- package
- designing / Designing a package
- about / Designing a package
- module-package hybrid, designing / Designing a module-package hybrid
- designing, with alternate implementation / Designing a package with alternate implementations
- partial() function
- about / The partial function solution
- PEP 8
- URL / The expected content of a module
- PEP 3333
- URL / Implementing a REST server – WSGI and mod_wsgi
- permission_required decorator / Using decorators for security
- persistence
- about / Understanding persistence, class, state, and representation
- class definition / Defining classes to support persistence
- persistent object
- analyzing / Analyzing persistent object use cases
- ACID properties / The ACID properties
- physical model
- about / SQL databases, persistence, and objects
- pickle
- dumping with / Dumping and loading with pickle
- loading with / Dumping and loading with pickle
- security / Security and the global issue
- global issue / Security and the global issue
- pickle processing
- class, designing for / Designing a class for reliable pickle processing
- pip
- URL / Using Sphinx to produce the documentation
- polymorphism
- about / Hard totals, soft totals, and polymorphism, Base classes and polymorphism
- pop() method / Extending a collection class
- about / Choosing eager versus lazy calculation
- positional argument, command line
- defining / Positional arguments
- Pretty Poor Polymorphism
- about / Hard totals, soft totals, and polymorphism, Base classes and polymorphism
- primary key
- about / Referring to objects via foreign keys
- designing / Designing primary and foreign database keys
- print() function
- about / The __repr__() and __str__() methods
- privacy
- about / Initialization, encapsulation, and privacy
- problem domain data model
- about / Designing an access layer for shelve
- processes, message queue
- defining / Defining processes
- propagation rules, logging
- managing / Managing the propagation rules
- property
- about / Creating properties
- creating / Creating properties
- differentiating, with attribute / Creating properties
- design pattern / Creating properties
- eagerly computed property / Eagerly computed properties
- deleter property / Setter and deleter properties
- setter property / Setter and deleter properties
- property() function
- about / Creating properties
- property, design pattern
- eager calculation / Creating properties
- lazy calculation / Creating properties
- property files
- configuration files, storing in / Storing the configuration in property files
- reference link / Storing the configuration in property files
- parsing / Parsing a properties file
- using / Using a properties file
- pure library module
- about / Some module design patterns
- whole module / Some module design patterns
- item collection / Some module design patterns
- pydoc
- used, for producing documentation / Using pydoc for documentation
- PY files
- configuration files, storing in / Storing the configuration in PY files
- application configuration, via class definition / Configuration via class definitions
- application configuration, via SimpleNamespace / Configuration via SimpleNamespace
- application configuration, with exec() function / Using Python with exec() for the configuration
- PyPI
- URL / Implementing REST with a web application framework
- Python
- special method / About special method names
- used, for integrating,with other applications / Integrating with other applications
- Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP)
- about / CRUD processing via SQL DML statements
- URL / CRUD processing via SQL DML statements
- Python Package Index
- URL / Parsing a properties file
- Python web component
- reference link / Implementing REST with a web application framework
- Python web frameworks
- reference link / Implementing REST with a web application framework
- Python web servers
- reference link / Implementing a REST server – WSGI and mod_wsgi
- querying
- about / Searching, scanning, and querying
- queue overrun
- preventing / Preventing queue overrun
- random.Random.shuffle() method / Mocking dependencies for testing
- Read-execute-print loop (REPL) / The OS interface and the command line
- read uncommitted mode
- about / SQL transactions and the ACID properties
- reference count
- about / The reference count and destruction
- reflected operator
- about / The method resolution and the reflected operator concept
- implementing / Implementing FixedPoint reflected operators
- regular expression (RE) / The __format__() method
- Regular Expression (RE) / Parsing a properties file
- relationships
- implementing, in explicit way / Designing primary and foreign database keys
- implementing, in implicit way / Designing primary and foreign database keys
- relationships, design patterns
- One-to-many / Designing primary and foreign database keys
- Many-to-many / Designing primary and foreign database keys
- One-to-one / Designing primary and foreign database keys
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
- about / Implementing non-CRUD operations
- remove() method
- about / Choosing eager versus lazy calculation
- REPLACE statement
- about / CRUD processing via SQL DML statements
- representation
- about / Understanding persistence, class, state, and representation
- creating, in YAML / Extending the YAML representation
- selecting / Choosing a representation – JSON, XML, or YAML
- Representation State Transfer (REST) /
- representer
- about / Extending the YAML representation
- Request for Comments (RFC)
- about / Using HTTP and REST to transmit objects
- used, for transmitting objects / Using HTTP and REST to transmit objects
- CRUD operations, implementing / Implementing CRUD operations via REST
- non-CRUD operations, implementing / Implementing non-CRUD operations
- ACID properties / The REST protocol and ACID
- representation, selecting / Choosing a representation – JSON, XML, or YAML
- implementing, with web application framework / Implementing REST with a web application framework
- REST client
- implementing / Implementing a REST client
- RESTful object identifier
- designing / Designing RESTful object identifiers
- REST server
- implementing, WSGI used / Implementing a REST server – WSGI and mod_wsgi
- creating / Creating a simple REST application and server
- REST client, implementing / Implementing a REST client
- demonstrating / Demonstrating and unit testing the RESTful services
- unit testing / Demonstrating and unit testing the RESTful services
- reverse() method
- about / Choosing eager versus lazy calculation
- roulette client
- creating / Creating the roulette client
- roulette server
- creating / Creating the roulette server
- round() function / Designing more useful rounding
- rows
- about / The SQL data model – rows and tables
- querying, with SELECT statement / Querying rows with the SQL SELECT statement
- object, mapping to / Mapping Python objects to database rows manually
- RST directives
- about / RST directives
- RST inline markup
- about / The RST inline markup
- RST markup
- about / Docstrings – RST markup and documentation tools
- used, for creating documentation / Better output via the RST markup
- block of text / Blocks of text
- inline markup / The RST inline markup
- directives / RST directives
- learning / Learning RST
- used, for writing API details / Writing API details in RST markup
- used, for providing cross-references to document / More sophisticated markup techniques
- @staticmethod decorator
- about / Using built-in decorators
- safe_load() method
- about / Security and safe loading
- scanning
- about / Searching, scanning, and querying
- schema
- building, with ORM layer / Building the schema with the ORM layer
- schema evolution
- about / Schema evolution, Schema evolution
- Schema Migration Problem / Understanding persistence, class, state, and representation
- searching
- about / Searching, scanning, and querying
- secure REST service
- creating / Creating a secure REST service
- WSGI Authentication application / The WSGI Authentication application
- Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
- about / Using HTTP and REST to transmit objects
- security / Aspect-oriented programming
- with decorator / Using decorators for security
- with user_passes_test decorator / Using decorators for security
- with login_required decorator / Using decorators for security
- with permission_required decorator / Using decorators for security
- security, JSON / The security and the eval() issue
- security, pickle / Security and the global issue
- security, YAML / Security and safe loading
- security log
- creating / Creating audit and security logs
- SELECT statement
- about / CRUD processing via SQL DML statements
- used, for querying rows / Querying rows with the SQL SELECT statement
- sentinel object / Defining processes
- sequence
- defining / Defining a new kind of sequence
- statistical list / A statistical list
- eager versus lazy calculation, selecting / Choosing eager versus lazy calculation
- slices / Working with __getitem__(), __setitem__(), __delitem__(), and slices
- __getitem__() method / Working with __getitem__(), __setitem__(), __delitem__(), and slices
- __setitem__() method / Working with __getitem__(), __setitem__(), __delitem__(), and slices
- __delitem__() method / Working with __getitem__(), __setitem__(), __delitem__(), and slices
- __delitem__() method, implementing / Implementing __getitem__(), __setitem__(), and __delitem__()
- __setitem__() method, implementing / Implementing __getitem__(), __setitem__(), and __delitem__()
- __getitem__() method, implementing / Implementing __getitem__(), __setitem__(), and __delitem__()
- list, wrapping / Wrapping a list and delegating
- delegating / Wrapping a list and delegating
- iterators, creating with __iter__() method / Creating iterators with __iter__()
- serialization
- purpose /
- set
- creating / Creating a new kind of set
- TreeNode class / Some design rationale
- tree class / Some design rationale
- tree class, defining / Defining the Tree class
- TreeNode class, defining / Defining the TreeNode class
- binary tree set / Demonstrating the binary tree set
- setter property
- about / Setter and deleter properties
- setUp() method / Using setup and teardown
- setup/teardown
- about / Using setup and teardown
- using, with OS resources / Using setup and teardown with OS resources
- using, with database / Using setup and teardown with databases
- setUpClass() method / Using setup and teardown
- setUpModule() function / Using setup and teardown
- setuptools
- URL / Using Sphinx to produce the documentation
- shelvable object
- designing / Designing shelvable objects
- keys, designing / Designing keys for our objects
- surrogate key, generating / Generating surrogate keys for objects
- coarse granularity / Generating surrogate keys for objects
- fine granularity / Generating surrogate keys for objects
- class, designing with key / Designing a class with a simple key
- class, designing for container / Designing classes for containers or collections
- referring, with foreign key / Referring to objects via foreign keys
- CRUD operations, designing / Designing CRUD operations for complex objects
- shelve
- creating / Creating a shelf
- access layer, designing / Designing an access layer for shelve
- simple composite object
- about / Simple composite objects
- collection, designing / Simple composite objects
- collection, wrapping / Wrapping a collection class
- collection, extending / Extending a collection class
- collection, inventing / More requirements and another design
- simple key
- used, for designing class / Designing a class with a simple key
- SimpleNamespace object
- creating / Configuration via SimpleNamespace
- simple on-off option, command line
- defining / A simple on/off option
- simple unit tests
- creating / Creating simple unit tests
- Singleton design pattern / Application configuration design patterns
- singleton object
- about / Module versus class
- Sized class / ABCs of collections
- slices
- about / Working with __getitem__(), __setitem__(), __delitem__(), and slices
- soft total
- about / Hard totals, soft totals, and polymorphism
- software quality
- documentation, writing for / Writing the documentation
- reference link / Writing the documentation
- special method, arithmetic operator / The arithmetic operator's special methods
- special method, Python
- about / About special method names
- special methods, additional operators
- implementing / Implementing other special methods
- Sphinx
- about / Docstrings – RST markup and documentation tools
- used, for producing documentation / Using Sphinx to produce the documentation
- quickstart, using / Using the Sphinx quickstart
- documentation, writing / Writing the Sphinx documentation
- 4+1 views, filling for documentation / Filling in the 4+1 views for documentation
- implementation document, writing / Writing the implementation document
- cross-references, creating / Creating the Sphinx cross-references
- files, refactoring into directories / Refactoring Sphinx files into directories
- Sphinx quickstart
- using / Using the Sphinx quickstart
- used, for processing application data / Processing application data with SQL
- class-like processing, implementing / Implementing class-like processing in pure SQL
- SQLAlchemy
- URL / Adding an ORM layer
- about / Adding an ORM layer
- posts, querying / Querying post objects given a tag string
- SQL database
- data modeling / SQL databases, persistence, and objects
- SQL data model / The SQL data model – rows and tables
- CRUD operations, via DML statements / CRUD processing via SQL DML statements
- rows, querying with SELECT statement / Querying rows with the SQL SELECT statement
- SQL transaction / SQL transactions and the ACID properties
- ACID properties / SQL transactions and the ACID properties
- primary key, designing / Designing primary and foreign database keys
- foreign key, designing / Designing primary and foreign database keys
- schema evolution / Schema evolution
- SQL data model
- tables / The SQL data model – rows and tables
- rows / The SQL data model – rows and tables
- columns / The SQL data model – rows and tables
- SQLite
- URL / The SQL data model – rows and tables
- access layer, designing / Designing an access layer for SQLite
- performance, improving with index / Improving performance with indices, Improving performance with indices
- SQLite BLOB column
- object, mapping to / Mapping Python objects to SQLite BLOB columns
- SQL language
- DDL / The SQL data model – rows and tables
- DML / The SQL data model – rows and tables
- DCL / The SQL data model – rows and tables
- SQL statements
- INSERT statement / CRUD processing via SQL DML statements
- SELECT statement / CRUD processing via SQL DML statements
- UPDATE statement / CRUD processing via SQL DML statements
- REPLACE statement / CRUD processing via SQL DML statements
- DELETE statement / CRUD processing via SQL DML statements
- SQL transaction
- about / SQL transactions and the ACID properties
- src directory
- application code, organizing into / Organizing code into src, bin, and test
- standard library collection
- using / Using the standard library extensions
- namedtuple() function / Using the standard library extensions, The namedtuple() function
- deque class / Using the standard library extensions, The deque class
- ChainMap / Using the standard library extensions, The ChainMap use case
- OrderedDict collection / Using the standard library extensions, The OrderedDict collection
- defaultdict subclass / Using the standard library extensions, The defaultdict subclass
- Counter / Using the standard library extensions, The counter collection
- heapq module / Using the standard library extensions
- array module / Using the standard library extensions
- standard library decorator
- using / Using standard library decorators
- standard library mixin class
- using / Using standard library mixin classes
- context manager mixin class, using / Using the context manager mixin class
- feature, turning off / Turning off a class feature
- state
- about / Understanding persistence, class, state, and representation
- State design pattern / Using __init__() to create manifest constants
- stateless object
- without __init__() method / Stateless objects without __init__()
- static method
- initialization / Initializing static methods
- Strategy class / Designing an access layer for SQLite
- Strategy design pattern / Using __init__() to create manifest constants
- Strategy object
- about / Stateless objects without __init__()
- string template
- used, for dumping object / Dumping objects using string templates
- strong reference
- about / Circular references and the weakref module
- subclass
- __init__() method, implementing / Implementing __init__() in each subclass
- superclass
- __init__() method, implementing / Implementing __init__() in a superclass
- surrogate key
- about / Handling containers and complex classes, Designing keys for our objects
- generating, for shelvable object / Generating surrogate keys for objects
- tables
- about / The SQL data model – rows and tables
- tearDown() method / Using setup and teardown
- tearDownClass() method / Using setup and teardown
- tearDownModule() function / Using setup and teardown
- technology spike
- creating, for unit testing / Unit testing and technology spikes
- template string
- format specifications / Non collection __str__() and __repr__()
- TestCase class
- hierarchy / The TestCase class hierarchy
- common setUp() method / The TestCase class hierarchy
- common tearDown() method / The TestCase class hierarchy
- common results checking method / The TestCase class hierarchy
- externally defined expected results, using / Using externally defined expected results
- test cases
- including, for automated unit testing / Including edge and corner cases
- about / Including edge and corner cases
- corner cases / Including edge and corner cases
- edge cases / Including edge and corner cases
- defining, doctest used / Using doctest to define test cases
- complete test package, creating / Creating a more complete test package
- test directory / Testing – unittest and doctest
- application code, organizing into / Organizing code into src, bin, and test
- testing
- about / Defining and isolating units for testing
- automated performance testing / Defining and isolating units for testing
- automated unit testing / Defining and isolating units for testing
- automated application testing / Defining and isolating units for testing
- testing scenarios
- no integration / Using setup and teardown
- internal integration / Using setup and teardown
- external integration / Using setup and teardown
- test suite
- creating / Creating a test suite
- TeXLive
- URL / Learning RST
- timeit module
- about / Performance – the timeit module
- top-level indices
- creating / Creating top-level indices
- top-level main() function
- creating / Creating a top-level main() function
- naming / Creating a top-level main() function
- DRY, ensuring for application configuration / Ensuring DRY for the configuration
- nested configuration contexts, managing / Managing nested configuration contexts
- tree class
- about / Some design rationale
- defining / Defining the Tree class
- TreeNode class
- about / Some design rationale
- defining / Defining the TreeNode class
- trunc() function / Designing more useful rounding
- two parallel mapping
- about / Two parallel mappings
- type() function
- about / The __new__() method and metaclasses
- type validation
- about / Initialization with type validation
- unary arithmetic operator
- about / The arithmetic operator's special methods
- defining / Defining FixedPoint unary arithmetic operators
- Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
- about / Using HTTP and REST to transmit objects
- unittest
- about / Testing – unittest and doctest
- and doctest, combining / Combining doctest and unittest
- setup/teardown, using / Using setup and teardown
- unit testing
- about / Testing – unittest and doctest
- unittest / Testing – unittest and doctest
- doctest / Testing – unittest and doctest
- technology spike, creating / Unit testing and technology spikes
- Universally Unique ID (UUID)
- about / The OrderedDict collection
- UPDATE statement
- about / CRUD processing via SQL DML statements
- user_passes_test decorator / Using decorators for security
- --version display and exit option / --version display and exit
- 4+1 views, Sphinx
- reference link / Writing the Sphinx documentation
- filling, for documentation / Filling in the 4+1 views for documentation
- vague else
- about / Faulty factory design and the vague else clause
- warnings module
- using / Using the warnings module
- API changes, displaying / Showing API changes with a warning
- configuration problem, displaying / Showing configuration problems with a warning
- software problem, displaying / Showing possible software problems with a warning
- weak reference
- about / Circular references and the weakref module
- WHERE clause
- about / CRUD processing via SQL DML statements
- white box testing
- about / Creating simple unit tests
- reference link / Creating simple unit tests
- whole module
- about / Whole module versus module items
- versus module item / Whole module versus module items
- with statement
- used, for defining context / Managing contexts and the with statement
- Wrapper
- about / Some design rationale
- writeback
- about / The writeback alternative to index updates
- schema evolution / Schema evolution
- writerow() method / Dumping simple sequences to CSV
- URL / Implementing a REST server – WSGI and mod_wsgi
- about / Implementing a REST server – WSGI and mod_wsgi
- used, for implementing REST server / Implementing a REST server – WSGI and mod_wsgi
- WSGI application
- callable object, using for / Using Callable classes for WSGI applications
- WSGI Authentication application
- creating / The WSGI Authentication application
- object, loading with / Dumping and loading with XML
- object, dumping with / Dumping and loading with XML
- object dumping, string template used / Dumping objects using string templates
- object dumping, xml.etree.ElementTree used / Dumping objects with xml.etree.ElementTree
- xml.etree.ElementTree
- used, for dumping object / Dumping objects with xml.etree.ElementTree
- XML document
- loading / Loading XML documents
- XML files
- configuration files, storing in / Storing the configuration in XML files – PLIST and others
- customized XML configuration files / Customized XML configuration files
- XML Schema Definition (XSD) / Dumping and loading with XML
- about / Dumping and loading with YAML
- loading with / Dumping and loading with YAML
- dumping with / Dumping and loading with YAML
- URL / Dumping and loading with YAML
- benefits / Dumping and loading with YAML
- representation, creating / Extending the YAML representation
- security / Security and safe loading
- safe loading / Security and safe loading
- YAML configuration
- loading / Loading a YAML configuration
- YAML data
- formatting, on file / Formatting YAML data on a file