Hands-on with OAuth-based authentication
OAuth-based authentication is the most complex, yet most flexible one supported by Magento. Before we get to use it, the merchant must register our external application as integration with the Magento instance. Placing ourselves in the role of merchant, we do so in the Magento admin area under System | Extensions | Integrations. Clicking on the Add New Integration button opens the screen as shown in the following screenshot:

The value External Book App
is the freely given name of our external application. If we were connecting it with Twitter, we could have easily put its name here. Next to Name, we have the Email, Callback URL, and Identity Link URL fields. The value of e-mail is not really that important. The callback URL and identity link URL define the external application endpoint that receives OAuth credentials. The values of these links point to external app that stands as the OAuth client. We will come back to it in a moment.
In the API tab...