Viewing your graph with Linkurious
Linkurious is one of the few start-ups that appears in the graph visualization field especially for Neo4j, and is getting good traction among the Neo4j community. It is packed with some powerful features, such as Search, and Explore, which are not directly present in the Neo4j Webadmin Console. It is a plug and play kind of a tool that can directly be pointed to Neo4j installation.
Getting ready
Since Linkurious is a paid visualization tool, we will use its demo version to visualize Neo4j. Go to the URL and after the registration, you will be redirected to the demo setup. The following screenshot depicts Linkurious' application console:

Let's dive more into the Linkurious Neo4j graph visualization.
How to do it...
The starting point of an application lets you query for any node in a free text form that also has autocomplete features. This is not Cypher-based, and the nodes that you are about to search for are already been indexed into...