Understanding how your infrastructure is being utilized is a key task for many IT pros today, and has been a challenge since the earliest days of computing. Windows NT 3.1 came with a marvelous tool, Performance Monitor (perfmon), that allowed you to see what the OS and applications are doing and what resources they are consuming. The Windows NT 3.1 Resource Kit even included an entire book on how to use perfmon and the various performance counters.
In addition to understanding how your individual servers are performing, you need to know what they are actually doing in terms of user work. Knowing, for example, the usage of printers is useful for capacity-planning purposes.
This chapter shows you how you can use PowerShell to obtain and display performance information and usage information using a variety of techniques, including cmdlets, WMI, and more.
Windows Server 2019 contains a subsystem known as Performance Logging and Alerting (PLA). PLA enables you to obtain performance...