Actor Components
As we've seen in the first chapters of this book, Actors are the main way to create logic in UE4. However, we've also seen that Actors can contain several Actor Components.
Actor Components are objects that can be added to an Actor and can have multiple types of functionality, such as being responsible for a character's inventory or making a character fly. Actor Components must always belong to and live inside an Actor, which is referred to as their Owner.
There are several different types of existing Actor Components. Some of these are listed here:
- Code-only Actor Components, which act as their own class inside of an actor. They have their own properties and functions and can both interact with the Actor they belong to and be interacted with by it.
- Mesh Components, which are used to draw several types of Mesh objects (Static Meshes, Skeletal Meshes, and so on).
- Collision Components, used to receive and generate collision...