Interfacing the MPU-9250 with the Arduino and ROS
So the first step in this project is to interface the IMU to the Arduino to get the rotation values and send those values to ROS. We're essentially making an Arduino-ROS node that is receiving IMU values and publishing the yaw, pitch, and roll as well as the transformation (TF) corresponding to the IMU movement as ROS topics.
The following figure shows the interfacing of IMU with the Arduino. The IMU is interfaced using the I2C protocol:

Figure 7: Interfacing MPU 9250/9150/6050 with Arduino
The connection from Arduino to MPU-9250 is shown in this table:
Arduino pins |
MPU - 9250 pins |
5V |
SCL (21) |
SDA (20) |
Digital PIN2 |
To start working on IMU values in ROS, we have to create a ROS-Arduino node that is receiving IMU values and send it as ROS topics. I hope you have set up the Arduino IDE in your system. For running this code, you will need the Arduino library for the MPU - 9250. Note that you can use the MPU...