We have come to the end of this chapter on Pods and how to create them; we hope you enjoyed it. You've learned how to use the most important objects in Kubernetes: Pods.
The knowledge you've developed in this chapter is part of the essential basis for mastering Kubernetes: all you will do in Kubernetes is manipulate Pods, label them, and access them. In addition, you saw that Kubernetes behaves like a traditional API, in that it executes CRUD operations to interact with the resources on the cluster. In this chapter, you learned how to launch containers on Kubernetes, how to access these containers using kubectl port forwarding, how to add labels and annotations to Pods, how to delete Pods, and how to launch and schedule jobs using the Cronjob resource.
Just remember this rule about container management: any container that will be launched in Kubernetes will be launched through the object. Mastering this object is like mastering most of Kubernetes: everything else will...