As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
creating 351-356
inspecting 356, 357
maintenance window, defining 349, 350
target, creating 346-348
working with 346
Amazon’s Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) 384
Amazon Web Services (AWS) 166, 309
Animal Rescue application 97
API Portal for VMware Tanzu, connecting with Spring Cloud Gateway for Kubernetes OpenAPI endpoint 104-106
API’s OpenAPI 3.0 specification, viewing 102-104
book code repository, cloning 98
deploying 99-101
navigating to 98
Okta developer account, configuring to provide SSO 98, 99
reference link 161
Apdex score 312
API Consumer 87
API Developer 87
API Portal for VMware Tanzu 92, 104
need for 91
overview 87-89
prerequisites 92, 93
use case, implementing with 97
API Portal...