About the Reviewers
Arslan Ali has more than 14 years of experience related to the IT industry and training institutions with 5 years of exclusive experience in teaching various disciplines and projects in an IT institution. He has worked in various roles including software engineering, software testing, training, and quality assurance. The major focus of his expertise lies in coordination, implementation, and testing of ERPs and customized applications. He is also a trainer for context-driven testing for various companies and individuals.
Arslan is currently working at Sidat Hyder Morshed Associates as a Senior Consultant – Information Solutions; but besides that, he is also an active founding member of TestersTestified (www.testerstestified.com) (@testtified
), Outtabox! (www.outtabox.co) (@OuttaBoxPk
), and OISOL – Open Integrated Solutions (www.oisol.com) as a training consultant for software testing and context-driven testing workshops.
You can follow him on Twitter at @arslan0644
and on LinkedIn at pk.linkedin.com/in/thegoodchanges/.
Prior to becoming a professional coach, Karen M. Caito has had 25 years of expertise as a pharmaceutical sales representative. Being an introvert and building confidence is a journey. She was able to experience first-hand how to thrive in an extroverted world by using several "techniques" to increase her confidence level so that she could achieve her life goals and create her niche coaching brand, Confidence Coach for Introverts. What she does best is help the overwhelmed, exhausted professional to become calm and confident so that the best version of themselves gets center stage in their health, career, and relationships, so they can finally be who they really are. She can stimulate that change in her clients in 90 days. Karen is also an Energy Leadership Expert, helping her clients discover the four Big Energy Blocks holding them back from success and catapulting them into abundant confidence with the use of the Energy Leadership Assessment Tool. She holds a BS in Marketing and Communications from Rochester Institute of Technology and is a NYS Licensed Massage Therapist. Her pharmaceutical career includes companies such as Bristol-Myers Squibb, Procter & Gamble, Sanofi-Aventis, and Merck. Visit her website at www.caitocoaching.com.
Adrienne Tom is an award-winning resume strategist and interview coach in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, with a passion for guiding senior-level professionals through the discovery of what sets them apart. Collaborating together, Adrienne works closely with senior professionals to develop leading edge marketing tools that help them stand out and advance their careers.
In addition to over 10 years in the career industry, Adrienne is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), Certified Employment Interview Professional (CEIP), Certified Resume Strategist (CRS), and a member in good standing with three national and international career associations.
As a testament to her expertise, Adrienne has been the recipient of several prestigious industry awards, including six Awards of Excellence for outstanding resumes and outstanding online profile development from Career Professionals of Canada, as well as an international TORI Award (Toast of the Resume Industry) from Career Directors International. Her work has also been published in two national resume and cover letter books.
To learn more about Adrienne's specialized offerings for senior-level professionals, managers, directors, executives, and aspiring leaders, contact her at Career Impressions: www.careerimpressions.ca or [email protected].