- about$flags page / Choosing your environment
- acceleration vector / Updating the player's movement and rotation
- addGeometryHandler() method / Loaders
- addVoxel() method / Designing a map
- ambient light / Lighting
- Ammo.js
- about / Player collision
- URL / Player collision
- asset
- managing / Asset management
- asset management
- loaders / Loaders
- models, exporting to Three.js / Exporting to Three.js
- entity, exporting from Three.js / Exporting from Three.js
- loaders, managing / Managing loaders
- mesh animation / Mesh animation, Morph animation, Skeletal animation
- AudioObject / Sound
- bandwidth constraints
- combating / Bandwidth/network constraints
- bots
- adding / Bots
- Bullet class / Bullets
- bullets
- adding / Bullets
- <canvas> element / Been there, scene that
- callbackProgress handler / Managing loaders
- callbackProgress property / Managing loaders
- camera object / Been there, scene that
- camera parameter / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- camera projections
- figure / Been there, scene that
- Canary / Choosing your environment
- Cannon.js
- about / Player collision
- URL / Player collision
- Canvas inspection
- URL / Choosing your environment
- CanvasRenderer() method / Been there, scene that, Renderers, Particles and Sprites
- castShadow property / Shadows
- children array / Loaders
- Circle
- about / 2D primitives
- city scene project
- working / A city scene
- updating, lighting used / Lighting
- clicking
- about / Clicking
- client-server prediction model
- working, steps / Networking and multiplayer
- clock variable / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- clone() method / A city scene
- ColladaLoader() method / Loaders
- collideFloor() method / Voxel collision
- color option / Materials
- composer.render() method / Renderer effects and postprocessing
- controller
- FirstPersonControls / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- OculusControls / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- OrbitControls / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- PathControls / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- TrackballControls / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- TransformControls / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- controls variable / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- setting up / Setting up CTF
- team, characteristics / Setting up CTF
- maps modifying / Setting up CTF
- particle system, creating / Particle systems
- sound effect, creating / Sound
- renderer effects, creating / Renderer effects and postprocessing
- postprocessing effects, creating / Renderer effects and postprocessing
- Renderer effects, creating / Renderer effects and postprocessing
- Cube
- about / 3D primitives
- Culling
- about / Rendering optimizations
- view frustum culling / Rendering optimizations
- backface culling / Rendering optimizations
- occlusion culling / Rendering optimizations
- custom geometries
- about / Custom geometries
- THREE.LatheGeometry / Custom geometries
- THREE.PolyhedronGeometry / Custom geometries
- THREE.ExtrudeGeometry / Custom geometries
- THREE.ShapeGeometry / Custom geometries
- THREE.TubeGeometry / Custom geometries
- THREE.ParametricGeometry / Custom geometries
- use cases / Custom geometries
- Cylinder
- about / 3D primitives
- 2D primitives
- Plane / 2D primitives
- Circle / 2D primitives
- Ring / 2D primitives
- 3D primitives
- about / 3D primitives
- Cube / 3D primitives
- Sphere / 3D primitives
- Polyhydra / 3D primitives
- Cylinder / 3D primitives
- Torus / 3D primitives
- TorusKnot / 3D primitives
- 3D text
- screenshot / Text
- method / JavaScript best practices
- depth testing
- about / Rendering optimizations
- detail parameter / 3D primitives
- Detector.addGetWebGLMessage() method / Renderers
- development processes
- JavaScript best practices / JavaScript best practices
- workflow, changing / Existing workflows and level development
- level development / Existing workflows and level development
- directional light / Lighting
- DirectionalLight object / Shadows
- direction vector / Bullets
- distance property / Clicking
- DOF (depth-of-field) effect / Renderer effects and postprocessing
- Download button / Been there, scene that
- EdgeShader / Renderer effects and postprocessing
- EffectComposer / Renderer effects and postprocessing
- Euler integration / Physical movement
- event.movementX property / Constructing a player
- event.movementY property / Constructing a player
- ExtrudeGeometry parameter / Custom geometries
- face property / Clicking
- faces property / Geometries
- FileSystem API
- URL / Bandwidth/network constraints
- first-person shooter project
- about / First-person shooter project
- features / First-person shooter project
- map, designing / Designing a map
- player, constructing / Constructing a player
- player movement / Player movement, Physical movement, Updating the player's movement and rotation
- player collision / Player collision, Voxel collision
- bots / Bots
- bullets / Bullets
- game loop, updating / Updating the game loop
- FirstPersonControls controller / Keyboard movement and mouse looking, Designing a map
- flag
- capturing / Capturing the flag
- fog types
- FoxExp2 / Lighting
- THREE.Fog / Lighting
- frameDelta / Timing
- game
- designing, for Web / Game design for the Web
- networking / Networking and multiplayer
- networking, lock-step approach / Networking and multiplayer
- networking, client-server prediction model / Networking and multiplayer
- game loop
- updating / Updating the game loop
- game networking
- about / Networking and multiplayer
- approaches / Networking and multiplayer
- approaches, lock-step / Networking and multiplayer
- approaches, client-server prediction model / Networking and multiplayer
- technologies / Technologies
- geometries
- about / Geometries
- 3D primitives / 3D primitives
- 2D primitives / 2D primitives
- custom geometries / Custom geometries
- text / Text
- geometry.colors array / Particle systems
- GeometryUtils.merge() method / A city scene
- getDelta() method / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- GL
- about / The wonderful world of Three.js
- GLSL (open Graphics Library Shading Language) / Materials
- Googles Web Tracing Framework
- URL / Performance-measuring tools
- Grunt
- URL / JavaScript best practices
- about / JavaScript best practices
- halfAccel vector / Updating the player's movement and rotation
- height attribute / Been there, scene that, Rendering optimizations
- heightSegments parameter / 3D primitives
- helper object / Updating the player's movement and rotation
- hemisphere light / Lighting
- HORIZONTAL_UNIT variable / Designing a map
- HTML5 Canvas API
- about / The wonderful world of Three.js
- HUD (heads-up display) / First-person shooter project
- IcosahedronGeometry / Been there, scene that
- IcosahedronGeometry constructor / 3D primitives
- ImageUtils.loadTexture() function / Materials
- intersectObjects() method / Clicking, Player collision
- intersects array / Clicking
- isometric / Been there, scene that
- JSDuck
- URL / JavaScript best practices
- keyboard
- movements / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- controllers / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- KeyboardControls class / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- keydown event / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- keydown listener / Updating the player's movement and rotation
- keyframe / Morph animation
- keyup event / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- keyup listener / Updating the player's movement and rotation
- lights
- about / Lighting
- types / Lighting
- types, ambient / Lighting
- types, directional / Lighting
- types, hemisphere / Lighting
- types, point / Lighting
- types, spot / Lighting
- used, for city scene updating / Lighting
- screenshot / Lighting
- LightTable
- URL / Choosing your environment
- LiveReload
- URL / Choosing your environment
- load() method / Loaders
- loadedModels property / Managing loaders
- loadedTextures property / Managing loaders
- loaders
- about / Loaders
- managing / Managing loaders
- loading managers / Managing loaders
- lock-step approach
- about / Networking and multiplayer
- about / Level of detail
- LOD object / Level of detail
- lookAt() method / A city scene
- map
- designing / Designing a map
- mapCellFromPosition() method / Voxel collision
- map property / Materials, Battery life and GPU memory
- material constructors
- MeshBasicMaterial / Materials
- MeshNormalMaterial / Materials
- MeshDepthMaterial / Materials
- MeshLambertMaterial / Materials
- MeshPhongMaterial / Materials
- MeshFaceMaterial / Materials
- ShaderMaterial / Materials
- materials
- about / Materials
- constructors / Materials
- properties / Materials
- mesh.position.clone() method / Clicking
- mesh animation
- about / Mesh animation
- types, morph animation / Morph animation
- types, skeletal animation / Skeletal animation
- MeshBasicMaterial / Been there, scene that
- MeshBasicMaterial constructor / Materials
- Mesh constructor / Constructing a player
- MeshDepthMaterial constructor / Materials
- MeshFaceMaterial constructor / Materials
- MeshFaceMaterial container / Loaders
- MeshLambertMaterial constructor / Materials
- MeshNormalMaterial constructor / Materials
- mesh object / Been there, scene that
- MeshPhongMaterial constructor / Materials
- MeshPhongMaterial documentation
- URL / Materials
- Midpoint integration / Physical movement
- morph animation
- about / Morph animation
- MorphAnimMesh animation / Morph animation
- morphNormal property / Morph animation
- morphs array / Morph animation
- morphTargetInfluences array / Skeletal animation
- morphTargets property / Morph animation
- mouse
- controls / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- mousedown event / Clicking
- mousemove event / Constructing a player
- moveOutside() method / Voxel collision
- multiplayer games
- about / Networking and multiplayer
- anticheating methods / Anticheating
- network constraints
- combating / Bandwidth/network constraints
- object property / Clicking
- OBJECTS array / Clicking
- Octree / Player collision
- OculusControls controller / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- onLoad parameter / Managing loaders
- opacity option / Materials
- openEnded parameter / 3D primitives
- OpenGL
- about / The wonderful world of Three.js
- OrbitControls controller / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- origin / Been there, scene that
- OrthographicCamera class / Clicking
- OrthographicCamera object / Been there, scene that, Shadows
- overdraw option / Materials
- particle systems
- about / Particle systems, Particles and Sprites
- flag, capturing / Capturing the flag
- sprites / Particles and Sprites
- using / Particle systems
- PathControls controller / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- performance considerations
- for 3D games / Performance
- bandwidth constraints / Bandwidth/network constraints
- network constraints / Bandwidth/network constraints
- LOD / Level of detail
- optimizations, rendering / Rendering optimizations
- battery life / Battery life and GPU memory
- GPU memory / Battery life and GPU memory
- performance-measuring tools / Performance-measuring tools
- PerspectiveCamera class / Clicking
- PerspectiveCamera object / Been there, scene that, Shadows
- Physi.js
- about / Player collision
- URL / Player collision
- physics updates
- about / Timing
- pitch / Constructing a player
- Plane
- about / 2D primitives
- PlaneGeometry() method / A city scene
- player
- constructing / Constructing a player
- Player class / Constructing a player, Bullets
- player collision
- detecting / Player collision
- player collision detection
- voxels, using / Player collision
- rays, using / Player collision
- intersection, using / Player collision
- libraries, using / Player collision
- voxel collision / Voxel collision
- Player constructor / Constructing a player
- player movement
- physical movement / Physical movement
- updating / Updating the player's movement and rotation
- player object / Constructing a player, Loaders
- player rotation
- updating / Updating the player's movement and rotation
- PointerLock.js
- URL / Constructing a player
- PointerLockControls controller / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- point light / Lighting
- PointLight object / Shadows
- point property / Clicking
- Polyhedra
- about / 3D primitives
- position vector / Been there, scene that, A city scene, Particles and Sprites
- postprocessing effect
- creating, Three.js used / Renderer effects and postprocessing
- shader effect, screenshot / Renderer effects and postprocessing
- shader effect / Renderer effects and postprocessing
- progress object / Managing loaders
- progress parameter / Managing loaders
- radiusSegments parameter / 3D primitives
- Raycaster class / Player collision
- receiveShadow property / Shadows
- renderer effect
- creating, Three.js used / Renderer effects and postprocessing
- renderers
- about / Been there, scene that, Renderers
- render loop
- constructing / Been there, scene that
- RenderStats library
- URL / Performance-measuring tools
- requestAnimationFrame() method / Been there, scene that
- resize function / Rendering optimizations
- result parameter / Managing loaders
- Ring
- about / 2D primitives
- RK4
- about / Physical movement
- roll / Constructing a player
- rotate() method / Constructing a player
- rotation vector / Been there, scene that
- Scalable Vector Graphics
- about / The wonderful world of Three.js
- scale parameter / Rendering optimizations
- scale vector / Particles and Sprites
- Scene class / Been there, scene that
- SceneExporter tool / Exporting from Three.js
- SceneLoader / Loaders, Exporting from Three.js, Managing loaders
- segments parameter / 3D primitives, 2D primitives
- setSize() method / Been there, scene that
- setup() function / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- setupThreeJS() method / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- ShaderMaterial constructor / Materials
- shaders
- about / Renderer effects and postprocessing
- shading option / Materials
- shadow camera / Shadows
- shadowCameraFar distance / Shadows
- shadowCameraNear distance / Shadows
- shadowMapHeight property / Shadows
- shadowMapWidth property / Shadows
- shadows
- about / Shadows
- working / Shadows
- shoot function / Bullets
- skeletal animation
- about / Skeletal animation
- skinning
- about / Skeletal animation
- sortParticles property / Particle systems
- sound effect
- creating, Three.js used / Sound
- Sources tab / Choosing your environment
- Sparks / Particle systems
- spatial coordinate system / Been there, scene that
- speed scalar / Bullets
- Sphere
- about / 3D primitives
- spot light / Lighting
- sprites
- about / Particles and Sprites
- using / Particles and Sprites
- StackOverflow / The wonderful world of Three.js
- Stats.js
- URL / Performance-measuring tools
- supported blending modes
- screenshot / Particles and Sprites
- TCP / Technologies
- Team class / Setting up CTF
- text
- about / Text
- using / Text
- The IndexedDB API
- URL / Bandwidth/network constraints
- THREE.AnimationHandler utility / Skeletal animation
- THREE.AudioObject class / Sound
- THREE.BufferGeometry class / Custom geometries
- THREE.CSS3DRenderer / Renderers
- THREE.ExtrudeGeometry / Custom geometries
- THREE.Geometry class / Geometries, Custom geometries
- THREE.Geometry object / Loaders
- Three.js
- about / The wonderful world of Three.js
- URL / The wonderful world of Three.js
- examples, URL / The wonderful world of Three.js
- project, building / Let's code!
- project, working / Been there, scene that
- objects, displaying / Been there, scene that
- scene, displaying / Been there, scene that
- environment, choosing / Choosing your environment
- documentation, URL / 3D primitives
- models, exporting to / Exporting to Three.js
- entity, exporting from / Exporting from Three.js
- Three.js editor
- screenshot / Choosing your environment
- Three.js environment
- choosing / Choosing your environment
- THREE.JSONLoader / Loaders
- Three.js scene
- creating / Been there, scene that
- geometries / Geometries, 3D primitives, 2D primitives, Custom geometries, Text
- materials / Materials
- city scene / A city scene
- lighting / Lighting, Shadows
- renderers / Renderers
- THREE.LatheGeometry / Custom geometries
- THREE.LOD object / Level of detail
- THREE.Mesh class / Constructing a player
- THREE.Mesh constructor / Been there, scene that
- THREE.Mesh object / Asset management
- THREE.MorphAnimMesh class / Morph animation
- THREE.ParametricGeometry / Custom geometries
- THREE.PolyhedronGeometry / Custom geometries
- THREE.SceneLoader / Loaders
- THREE.ShapeGeometry / Custom geometries
- THREE.SkinnedMesh class / Skeletal animation
- THREE.SkinnedMesh utility / Skeletal animation
- THREE.SVGRenderer / Renderers
- THREE.TextGeometry constructor / Text
- THREE variable / Been there, scene that
- URL / Existing workflows and level development
- timing
- about / Timing
- URL / Choosing your environment
- Torus
- about / 3D primitives
- TorusKnot
- about / 3D primitives
- totalModels property / Managing loaders
- totalTextures property / Managing loaders
- tQuery
- URL / Existing workflows and level development
- TrackballControls controller / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- TransformControls controller / Keyboard movement and mouse looking
- transparency option / Materials
- traverse() method / Capturing the flag
- UDP / Technologies
- unlit / Materials
- update() method / Keyboard movement and mouse looking, Updating the player's movement and rotation, Bullets
- updateAnimation() method / Morph animation
- update function / Timing
- Vector3 instance / Clicking
- VERTICAL_UNIT variable / Designing a map
- vertices property / Geometries
- visible property / Capturing the flag
- Voxel.js
- URL / Existing workflows and level development
- voxel collision
- about / Voxel collision
- Web
- game, designing for / Game design for the Web
- WebGL
- about / The wonderful world of Three.js
- WebGLRenderer() method / Renderers, Particles and Sprites
- Web Performance Optimization (WPO) / Bandwidth/network constraints
- Web Sockets API
- URL / Technologies
- width attribute / Been there, scene that, Rendering optimizations
- wireframeLinewidth option / Materials
- wireframe option / Materials
- x property / Been there, scene that
- yaw / Constructing a player
- y property / Been there, scene that
- z property / Been there, scene that