Introduction to Ansible Galaxy
Most people’s first exposure to Ansible Galaxy is the website hosted at The website is home to community-contributed roles and modules:

Figure 2.2 – The Ansible Galaxy home page
Throughout the remainder of this book, we will be writing custom roles that interact with the Ansible Core modules for use in our playbook.
More than 15,000 roles are published on Ansible Galaxy; these roles cover many tasks and support almost all the operating systems supported by Ansible.
Then, we have the ansible-galaxy
command; this is a way of interacting with the Ansible Galaxy website from the comfort of your command line, as well as being able to bootstrap roles, which we will look at shortly; we can also use it to download, search, and publish our custom roles on Ansible Galaxy.
Finally, Red Hat has open-sourced the code for Ansible Galaxy, meaning you can also run a self-hosted version...