Dumbbell charts
A dumbbell chart is a variation of the circle plot that compares two values for each slice of data, emphasizing the distance between the two values.
Here, for example, is a chart showing the Difference in Profit between East and West regions for each Category of products:

Figure 10.7: A dumbbell chart emphasizes the distance/difference between two values
This chart was built using the following features and techniques:
- A synchronized dual axis of SUM(Profit) has been used with one set to mark the type of Circle and the other set to Line.
- Category has been sorted by Profit descending (the sort sums profit for East and West).
- Region has been placed on the Path shelf for the line to tell Tableau to draw a line between the two Regions.
The Path shelf is available for Line and Polygon mark types. When you place a field on the Path shelf, it tells Tableau the order to connect the points (following the sort order of the field...