Automating OpenStack installations using Ansible – Playbook configuration
Now that the hosts have been configured correctly and all of the network interfaces are set up correctly, we can begin editing the configuration files that will be used when the Ansible Playbooks are run. In this recipe, we use Git to check the OpenStack Ansible Deployment (OSAD) Playbooks, the same ones originally developed by Rackspace and used by them to deploy OpenStack for its customers. We will be using the latest release at the time of writing: Git Tag 11.0.3 that refers to the Kilo release (Kilo refers to the letter K, which is the 11th letter in the alphabet).
The environment we will configure is shown in the following diagram:

Getting ready
It is important that the previous recipe, Automating OpenStack installations using Ansible – host configuration, has been followed and that all the configured networks are working as expected.
The environment will consist of three Controller nodes, one Storage...