Multiuser Development Environment
Another alternative is to implement the Multiuser Development Environment (MUDE). This enables us to split the RPD into self-contained areas or projects. The master RPD is put in a shared area, and then projects are worked on by an individual developer and merged back into the master.
This is slightly more complex and convoluted compared to online development. Rather than accessing one central environment, developers must have their own full development environment. They will need a local BI and web server in order to test changes locally, in addition to a local Administration tool. However, due to the possibility of proper segmentation of the RPD, it is arguably safer.
So let's step through an example. Firstly, create the project subsets. Navigate through Manage | Projects ... within our master RPD that has been opened in the Administration tool:

Then you will enter the Project Manager screen where you can define your subsets. Navigate...