Flight time duration prediction based on distance
Given a table of flights with their origin, destination, and flight time, we would like to estimate the length of a proposed flight from Bratislava, Slovakia, to Amsterdam, the Netherlands:
Origin | Destination | Distance in km | Flight duration | Flight duration in hours |
London | Amsterdam | 365 | 1 hr 10 m | 1.167 |
London | Budapest | 1462 | 2 hr 20 m | 2.333 |
London | Bratislava | 1285 | 2 hr 15 m | 2.250 |
Bratislava | Paris | 1096 | 2 hr 5 m | 2.083 |
Bratislava | Berlin | 517 | 1 hr 15 m | 2.250 |
Vienna | Dublin | 1686 | 2 hr 50 m | 2.833 |
Vienna | Amsterdam | 932 | 1 hr 55 m | 1.917 |
Amsterdam | Budapest | 1160 | 2 hr 10 m | 2.167 |
Bratislava | Amsterdam | 978 | ? | ? |
We can reason that the flight duration time consists of two times—the first is the time to take off and the landing time; the second is the time that the airplane moves at a certain speed in the air. The first time is a constant. The second time depends linearly on the speed of the plane, which we assume is similar for all of the flights in the table. Therefore, the flight time can be expressed by...