Understanding association rules
The building blocks of a market basket analysis are the items that may appear in any given transaction. Groups of one or more items are surrounded by brackets to indicate that they form a set, or more specifically, an itemset that appears in the data with some regularity. Transactions are specified in terms of itemsets, such as the following transaction that might be found in a typical grocery store:

The result of a market basket analysis is a collection of association rules that specify patterns found in the relationships among items he itemsets. Association rules are always composed from subsets of itemsets and are denoted by relating one itemset on the left-hand side (LHS) of the rule to another itemset on the right-hand side (RHS) of the rule. The LHS is the condition that needs to be met in order to trigger the rule, and the RHS is the expected result of meeting that condition. A rule identified from the example transaction might be expressed in the...