Three of the page parts in Role Center page 9006 provide data that is specific to the individual user. They track My data, information important to the user who is logged in. When we design any one of the pages, we can open the page properties to find out what table the page is tied to. Then, viewing any of those tables in the table designer, we will see that a highly ranked field is User ID. An example is the My Item table, which is shown here:

The User ID allows the data to be filtered to present user-specific information to each user. In some cases, this data can be updated directly in the Role Center page part; for example, in My Customers and My Items. In other cases, such as My Job Queue, the data is updated elsewhere and is only viewed in the Role Center page part. If our users need to track other information in a similar manner, such as My Service Contracts, we can readily plagiarize the approach used in the standard page parts.