Running Python Applications on EC2
In this chapter, we are going to learn how to run Python applications within the Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) service. EC2 is an AWS service that allows you to provision a server in the cloud. You can find different types of server options. You need to carry out some configuration and run the server on the cloud. You might wonder why we need EC2 when we have Lambda. Lambda is very effective but has a duration limit. If you run your function for more than 15 minutes, it will give a timeout. What happens if your application needs to be run for a couple of hours because of a huge process? Lambda doesn’t work and you need your own server. Another reason to use EC2 would be if you need a very special configuration or installation that needs to be done within a specific server; you would need a server as well. Based on this kind of requirement, you need to have your own server in the cloud. We will provision a server and run a Python application within...