Low-level discovery
In Zabbix, another way to automate is to make use of low-level discovery. This way Zabbix can automatically create items, triggers, and graphs. At the moment, there are four types in Zabbix that can be discovered out of the box. Zabbix is able to discover filesystems, network interfaces, CPUs, cores, and SNMP OIDs.
Getting ready
For this recipe, we will need our Zabbix server and a Zabbix linux host. The Zabbix host just needs to be properly installed and added to the Zabbix server, but without any templates linked to the hst. On the Zabbix server we need administrator rights.
How to do it ...
The first thing to do is to go to Configuration | Hosts or Templates | Discovery rules.
Click on the Create discovery rule button on the upper right.
Add a Name for our rule:
Mounted File System Discovery
.Select the Type
Zabbix agent (active)
.Add the Key; in this case, the key is
.Select an Update interval
(in production, this could be once a day or an hour).In the...